Love Actually: Day 1

Love Actually: Day 1

Welcome to Lent. For some of us this is an annual observation. For some it may be a new thing. Either way I am excited about us journeying these 40 Days together. Here’s the plan for each day:

  1. time in the Word. Today we read Psalm 15 (actually read that everyday through Saturday. There is something special about reading the same Psalm everyday for a week.) Read Proverbs 17. Ask God to reveal some word of wisdom just for you today. And, read Acts 9:1-30. More on that in a minute.
  2. time in His Presence. Spend 12 minutes today in prayer. Use the Lord’s Prayer as an outline. 6 parts, 2 minutes each, 12 minutes. We will expand on that in week 3.
  3. time FOR His people. Do something small, and perhaps anonymous, for one person today. Send an encouraging text, pay for a cup of coffee, hold open a door.  Something.

The other two things are more long term. We will bring them up later.

And, we will share a very brief devotional thought each day, sometimes from the text, sometimes from other places. Today, from Acts 9.

Acts 9:17  “So Ananias went and found Saul. He went and laid his hands on him and said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road, has sent me so that you might regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.””

It is one of the most amazing transformations in Scripture. In chapter 7 Saul is holding the coats of the people murdering Steven. In chapter 9 he is knocked off his horse by Jesus, healed from blindness by Ananias, filled with the Holy Spirit, and sends out for a Big Mac and a large fries. He goes on to become the greatest evangelist in the history of the church.  That’s some transformation.

But I wonder, when did the transformation actually happen? On the road to Damascus? When Ananias laid his hands on him? When he got the Holy Ghost? Maybe when he started preparing for years of ministry? God ALWAYS changes us. We just don’t always know when.

That’s part of what Lent is about. We do a lot of different things. We put several disciplines in place. And somewhere along the way…transformation.  We lose ourselves. We become more like Him. We get filled with the Spirit. Transformation. As we travel together let’s look for the changes He makes in us. Let’s expect it. Let’s celebrate it. When we see it happen, let’s get a Big Mac and some fries. It’s going to be good,  Love Actually.

2 Responses to Love Actually: Day 1

  1. Lord help me to have a merry heart and an excellent understanding spirit. …..If HE can change Saul, he can change me. 😬😁😇

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