Going Deep: Day 1

Going Deep: Day 1

I don’t know when I started these 40 Day things. I think clear back as a youth pastor in the 80s I discovered that teens could make a commitment or hold on to a focus for about 7 weeks. After that, I lost them. Heck, after 7 weeks I lost me. When I was a pastor I would do a 40 Day Spiritual Emphasis every spring and every fall. Back then it was usually connected to building Sunday School attendance or adding to a capital fund.

Over the last few years the idea of a 40 Day Spiritual Adventure has captured my imagination and kept me focused on becoming a better Christ follower. Maybe you can hold on longer. I can’t. So I do 40 Days in the Spring and 40 Days, usually leading up to Christmas. I never really meant for these adventures to be much more than my own spiritual discipline but down through the years, more and more people have joined in, asked me to do it again, and fussed at me when I forgot 🙂

So, here we go again. This time Going Deep. I have been thinking especially about the things that stand in the way of my spiritual depth, things that I do that distract me, or worse, cause me to quit trying to grow altogether. And things that I don’t do that would make me so much better, better quiet time, more reading, connecting to others more. In short, 40 Days to rigorously examine my own heart and life, and clear out, or add on those areas where I need to improve.
I invite you to come along. Here’s the plan, starting this Monday, March 7, we will participate together in 5 things:

  • Read a selected passage of scripture together. (I’ll post week 1 below.)
  • Pray together, more fervently, for our world, our nation, our family, and our own walk.
  • Ask God to show you one thing to give up for a deeper faith walk.
  • Ask God to add one discipline or exercise to know Him better.
  • And, each day listen to a very brief podcast at What Difference Does That Make?

I believe if we will do those 5 things we will find ourselves going deep. I am pretty sure I will be better for it. I hope you will as well.

Here’s the reading for Week 1: Everyday read Psalm 25

  • Monday—John 13
  • Tuesday—Matthew 10
  • Wednesday—John 15
  • Thursday—I John 1
  • Friday—James 1
  • Saturday—I Peter 4
  • Sunday—Genesis 15, Philippians 3

And pray this prayer: Almighty God, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, open our eyes, ears, hearts, and very lives to Your Presence today so that we may worship and serve You in faithfulness, and go deep in Your love.

5 Responses to Going Deep: Day 1

  1. I look forward to this every year! I’m not sure why but I always get the emails the day after? Not that big of a deal I can look up the podcast for the day. Just wasn’t sure if it was on my end or what?

    • I’m sorry Cindy. It posts that email at 4am. (a time I did not set.) If I don’t get my part done before that, it goes out the net day. I seed to start doing it a day early. I’ll try that soon. Thanks for being a part.

      • Thank you Mike I did get todays! Just so you know it wasn’t just for this it’s been since I started receiving the emails. It could be my end!

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