Category Archives: Uncategorized

Love Actually: Day 15

Love Actually: Day 15

I AM SO SORRY. The Love Actually leader was Lazy Actually this morning. I’ll do better. This might be a good time for a recommitment, a refresher in deciding to be a disciple. This is from Visions of a World Hungry by Thomas Pettepiece . Every once in a while I will reread it and… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 14

Love Actually: Day 14

Doris and I were dating 45 years ago. She was living with her parents in Gallatin and I was living in a trailer in Ashland City. For those of you not familiar with Tennessee geography, those are two small towns about 50 miles apart with no direct route between the two. To travel that 50… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 13

Love Actually: Day 13

Welcome to Day 13. This week we are talking about prayer. Today read Psalm 42, Proverbs 3 (ask God to give you a wisdom just for you) and John 7:37-44. You know the other stuff we are doing. There is much about Richard Rohr that I don’t agree with. Those things don’t bother me. What… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 12

Love Actually: Day 12 Prayer. This week we are focusing on loving the presence of God, and prayer takes us into His presence. I said yesterday, “Prayer is not something we do. It is a place we abide. Do you notice how often Jesus prayed? Do you think He needed to tell the Father (Himself) stuff or ask… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 11

Love Actually: Day 11

We are starting the 2nd full week. Our 40 days will be over before we know it. This week the focus is prayer. I’ll post a brief video later this morning. But the key is to love His presence.  Prayer is not something I do. It is a place that I dwell. The scripture reading… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 10

Love Actually: Day 10

Saturday’s post, a little shorter and today, a great quote. I like this image. We are warriors for the King: ”My prayer is not the whimpering of a beggar nor a confession of love. Nor is it the trivial reckoning of a small tradesman: Give  me and I shall give you. My prayer is the report… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 8

Love Actually: Day 8

I loved my mother-in-law, I really did. She was a bright, gifted, Godly woman and I was blessed to have her in my life for over 20 years. But for some reason, she and I could “get in to it” over the most inane things, and most of the time it was her fault. 🤓… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 7

Love Actually: Day 7

Congratulations! You are right back on the day you started. A full week of deeper commitment to God, more intentional time in His Word, service to others. I think you are beginning to Love Actually. And so it is Wednesday again. Hump Day! Remember that really bad commercial about the camel walking through the office… Continue Reading