Category Archives: Uncategorized

What Difference Does That Make?

Are you ready for a good cry? It may not be what you think. Join me and my good friend, Jeff Harvey, Auctioneer, extraordinaire, on the podcast, “What Difference Does That Make?”   Continue Reading

Be Who You Is!

Be Who You Is!

A few years ago, Rev. Frances Davis was the commencement speaker at the University of Utah. Rev. Davis was the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Salt Lake City, a well-respected civil rights advocate in Utah who spent his life trying to make the world a better place. He ended his address with these words,… Continue Reading

Turn It Up!

Turn It Up!

It happened so quickly. Doris and I had one of those conversations the other day that we both swore would never happen. We were sitting in the family room, watching the 9 o’clock news so that we could be in bed by 9:30. I stood to go into the kitchen and I said, “While I’m… Continue Reading

2021: Where To Begin?

Here are 7 reflective questions to help you prepare for goal setting/resolution-making for the new year. What do I want to leave behind? What do I want to take with me? What do I want to start? What do I want to finish? What do I want to see? Who do I want to help?… Continue Reading



Do you mind if I just unload for a minute? One of my real gripes is that people ask all of the time how I ever managed to get (and keep) a wife like Doris. The implication in that question is that she is perfect and I am, well, less than perfect, and so it… Continue Reading

Running Out of Green Ink

Running Out of Green Ink

I started an annual tradition several years ago. I read through the Bible with one of my children or grandchildren in mind. Each morning, as I do my Bible reading for the day, I ask God to show me things, verses, thoughts, messages, for that particular kid. I finished Josh’s Bible in 2015, Jacob’s in… Continue Reading

The Most Important Decision Ever

The Most Important Decision Ever

About this time of the year, EVERY YEAR, Doris and I get into a heated argument. This is the time she buys the new fall cushions to go on the couch. They replace the new summer cushions that we bought in June to replace the new spring cushions that we got in April…you get the… Continue Reading



From time to time I get questions about life events. My guess is that these people have some misplaced interest in my “wisdom.”  Today I received a note from a good friend, a really bright young lady who is a graduate student at Oxford (not Mississippi). She was dismayed at the recent surfacing of allegations… Continue Reading