
It is always a privilege to speak at my home church, Family Worship Center. Today it seemed God especially gave me a message for this time. I thought I would share the service here. The worship is great but if you want to skip to the message it is about the 42-minute mark. https://www.facebook.com/105301756176570/videos/269042534139525/ Continue Reading

What Difference Does That Make? The Podcast

Epiphany – that moment when you suddenly see something that is very important of meaningful, often of a deeply religious nature. I use epiphany to describe those amazing moments when Jesus shows up in an unexpected conversation or a “chance” encounter with an old friend. Today “What Difference Does That Make?” is about Epiphany. Tim… Continue Reading

What Difference Does That Make?

What Difference Does That Make?

One of the greatest contributors to my life has been Sam Riggleman, a Hall of Fame collegiate baseball coach, a mentor and friend, and a model of coaching” to men in every season of life. Today I interview Sam along with life coach Cindy Hornbaker on “What Difference Does That Make?” https://what-difference-does-that-make-with-dr-mike-courtney.simplecast.com/episodes/need-coaching Continue Reading



My youngest son, Jacob, for several years was the “frontman” for the house band at Tootsie’s, an iconic honky-tonk in Nashville. The frontman is not necessarily the lead singer. He may not even be the most musical in the band. (Though of course, Jacob was.) The frontman is the guy that has a gift for… Continue Reading

Change 2020

Change 2020

Change. I don’t like it. Vote against it. Not in favor of it. Not the pennies and nickels in your pocket kind of change but the get off the couch, leave you comfort zone, life is getting different kind of change. I am not a big fan of change. Most of us aren’t but the… Continue Reading

We Still Hold Hands

We Still Hold Hands

In a couple of days, I will have another birthday. (This is not a shameless plea for Happy Birthday wishes.) There comes a time when, no matter how much I tell myself “I don’t feel old,” that I must admit, I AM OLD. Old has happened. It has arrived. I am officially a card-carrying member… Continue Reading

Raid and Winning the War

Raid and Winning the War

My parents had this strong conviction that you shouldn’t leave your kids at home with some stranger. So, rather than bring in some irresponsible, teenage neighbor, from the time I was 7 or 8, I was the babysitter for my three little sisters. Now, my parents are both gone on to heaven so don’t try… Continue Reading

Nathan Bedford Forrest, Husqvarna, and Ahija

Nathan Bedford Forrest, Husqvarna, and Ahija

Nathan Bedford Forrest, Husqvarna, and Ahija   Wow! That title should get your attention. “How in the world is he going to tie those three things together?” you might ask. Great question. I have no idea but let’s see what happens. 😊 Last week two things happened one morning. I was having a conversation with… Continue Reading

PODCAST: The Escape Room

New episode of the #branchespodcast “What Difference Does That Make” live today! LISTEN Here:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-difference-does-that-make-with-dr-mike-courtney/id1502775969#episodeGuid=bde40628-e3b3-4eb5-966c-cbed1551e8f4 Continue Reading