Love Actually: Day 15

Love Actually: Day 15

I AM SO SORRY. The Love Actually leader was Lazy Actually this morning. I’ll do better.

This might be a good time for a recommitment, a refresher in deciding to be a disciple. This is from Visions of a World Hungry by Thomas Pettepiece . Every once in a while I will reread it and pledge again to be a better man of God and citizen of the world.

“recognizing that the earth and the fullness thereof is a gift from our gracious God and that we are called to cherish, nurture, and provide loving stewardship for the earth’s resources. And recognizing that life itself is a gift, and a call to responsibility, joy, and celebration, I make the following declarations:

  1. I declare myself a citizen of the world.
  2. I commit myself to live an ecologically sound life.
  3. I commit myself to live a life of creative simplicity and to share my personal wealth with the poor.
  4. I commit myself to join others in reshaping institutions to bring about a more just global society.
  5. I affirm the gift of the body and commit myself to its proper nourishment and physical well-being.
  6. I commit myself to relate to others honestly, morally, and lovingly.
  7. I commit myself to personal renewal through prayer, meditation, and study.
  8. I commit myself to responsible participation in a community of faith.”

Wow. That convicts me every time I read it.

Remember what we are doing:

  1. time in the Word. Every day this week we read Psalm 42. Read Proverbs 5 today. Ask God to reveal some word of wisdom just for you today. And, Romans 8:18-25 today.
  2. time in His Presence. Spend 12 minutes today in prayer. Use the Lord’s Prayer as an outline. 6 parts, 2 minutes each, 12 minutes.
  3. time FOR His people. Do something small, and perhaps anonymous, for one person today. Send an encouraging text, pay for a cup of coffee, hold open a door. I’m going to mention that in a minute.
  4. time for His Church. Start toward a small project you could do for your church over the next 6 weeks. God loves His Church.
  5. time for His creation. And a small project for the environment, like pick up trash at the local park. God loves His creation. Maybe share some ideas in reply to this blog that will spark something for the rest of us. This devotional may help.

see you tomorrow.

4 Responses to Love Actually: Day 15

  1. Just was wondering why you say you are a citizen of the world? We as Believers are not to be of the world, we are only in it just visiting. I really hope you are not falling for the modernizing faith that they are pushing. Please stay true to Gods word. We were told that this life of following Jesus would not be easy. We are now in the not easy part. Thank you

    • Thank you for your reply and you nudge to stay diligent about where my allegiances lie. I certainly agree with you that we are in the “not easy” part of life right now. I do believe that while we are “in the world but not of it” we bear a responsibility for all of Creation. The first story has God giving Adam instructions about how to care for the world, plants, animals, and fellow humans. The fleshly, natural “world” that Scripture often warns us about is not the same as the beautiful, physical, created “world” that God gives us dominion over. Very often what seems to be “modernizing” can be a returning to the ancient understanding that as believers, we ought to be far better at loving and caring for THAT world than we have been. Again, thanks for the reminder.

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