40 Days to Celebrate the Coming King

40 Days to Celebrate the Coming King

Consider taking the 40 Days before Christmas to intentionally focus on the Coming King and on growing deeper in your faith.

I invite you to an online devotional time starting tomorrow and ending on Christmas Eve. It is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. We will do 1 thing together for the 40 days, seek to bless one needy person or family. It doesn’t need to be a big deal but just begin to look for 1 opportunity to be Jesus in a special way during this Christmas season.

2. Join a group of fellow online disciples in 2 things each week, watch a Monday devotional video right here (It won’t be particularly profound but it will get us on the same page), and sacrifice one thing each week. (It could be fasting a meal, missing a favorite TV show to pray, but each week give up something for the King.)

3. Be consistent for 40 days with 3 daily things, Scripture reading each day ((I’ll make some suggestions at the beginning of the week), prayer each day, morning and evening (I’ll suggest a starting prayer each week), and a daily devotional (I’ll write, or suggest one each day.)

I don’t imagine that I have anything special to offer but I do feel like there is power in a bunch of people committing to do the same thing each day for 40 days to get closer to the Coming King. If you plan to join just respond here or send me an email. Let me know how I can pray for you, what your concerns are, what you want God to do for you in this 40 days.

For this week (starting tomorrow) read Psalm 44 daily.
Monday John 1:43-51
Tuesday Luke 8:22-56
Wednesday Acts 17:1-9
Thursday Luke 19:28-40
Friday I Corinthians 15:1-28
Saturday Matthew 26:1-29
Next Sunday Daniel 7:13-14, Revelation 1:1-8, John 18:33-37

Here’s a suggested morning prayer starter this week:
Almighty God, as You have given Jesus Christ to be Savior and Lord, grant us now grace to accept and rejoice in our salvation and His lordship.

This may all seem strange to you but it’s what I do 🤓🤓🤓. Hope you’ll consider joining us tomorrow morning and everyday for the next 40 days

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