ALL IN: Day 11. Distracted

ALL IN: Day 11. Distracted

I was good at distracted driving before it was a popular term. I don’t like driving. I like looking for deer, playing with the grandkids, waving at people at red lights (that really freaks them out.) So, Doris does the driving for us. She’s a good driver, stays focused, pays attention, and doesn’t seem to mind it if it take a nap or two on the passenger’s side.

When it comes to my walk with God, I can get distracted as well. But, I cannot delegate that. No one can get close to God for me while I bounce from stuff to standing to simply being lazy. I have to do my walk for me. That’s why things like fasting are so important. Fasting helps me to get and stay focused on the most important trip I will ever take.

”Lord, help me today to “fix my eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.”


Speaking of being distracted, I forgot to write this little devotion for yesterday. Sorry. I thought Doris was going to do it. 😂😂

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