7/3/23 MondayMatters: Keep the Change

7/3/23 MondayMatters: Keep the Change

Change just happens. Whether we like it or not it comes. To be alive is to experience change. So how do we handle that? How do we keep a good attitude when the world around us is changing? Here are 5 simple steps that will help you deal with change. (And speaking of change, I’m going to start writing out the content here in the description.)

1. Accept the inevitable and welcome the possible. Change will happen and it can be good.
2. Make up your mind while you make up your bed. Put reminders in place to see the good.
3. Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. Dwell on what is good about the change.
4. Focus on the Father, not on your fear. God is large and in charge.
5. Be gentle with others and graceful with yourself. Change isn’t easy. Treat everyone kindly.

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