Category Archives: Uncategorized

Love Actually: Day 6

Love Actually: Day 6

Perhaps no one is better equated with self-less ministry to the poor than Mother Teresa. Yet she struggled with one consistent fear, even as she worked for decades in the darkest slums of Calcutta. She said, “Pray for me that I not loosen my grip on the hands of Jesus even under the guise of… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 5

Love Actually: Day 5

Today we start the first full week of our Lenten observation, Love Actually.  My kids asked me this weekend, “Dad, have you seen that movie?” I admitted I have not. Apparently, there are some scenes and themes that I might not approve of. 🤭  Well, the devil had the name long enough. It’s time for… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 4

Love Actually: Day 4

We are in the 1st weekend. The weekends are a little slower. I won’t do much of a devotional on Saturday and Sunday we take off from the 40 Days and focus on worship. I’ll say more about that in just a second. time in the Word. Today we read Psalm 15 again. Read Proverbs… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 3

Love Actually: Day 3

Well, we’ve made it to day 3. We are doing well. One more time, if you’re just joining, go back and read the last 2 or 3 blogs. They are short and it will help you get a running start. By the way, if you subscribe to this blog you will get a daily email… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 2

Love Actually: Day 2

Welcome to Day 2. If you’re just joining, go back and read the last 2 blogs. They are short and it will help you get a running start. By the way, if you subscribe to this blog you will get a daily email for the 40 days with the devotional reading and the scripture for… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 1

Love Actually: Day 1

Welcome to Lent. For some of us this is an annual observation. For some it may be a new thing. Either way I am excited about us journeying these 40 Days together. Here’s the plan for each day: time in the Word. Today we read Psalm 15 (actually read that everyday through Saturday. There is… Continue Reading

Love Actually: 40 Days of Lent begin tomorrow

Join us here each day for a brief devotional thought, scripture reading, and prayer. Join us every Monday for a short video discussion of one of our 5 disciplines; every Friday for a inspirational (I hope) blog; and every other Wednesday ( including tomorrow) for our podcast, “What Difference Does That Make?” Scripture reading for… Continue Reading

40 Days of Love Actually

40 Days of Love Actually

A Lenten Plan to truly put into practice rituals for the next 6 weeks to participate in loving all of the things that God loves. For the 40 days of lent we invite you to ACTUALLY love the things that God loves, His word, His Presence, His people, His church, and His creation.  I have… Continue Reading

Love Actually

Love Actually

I have been a guest on our local radio station the Friday before Valentine’s Day for the last few years. It is 8AM to 9AM on Friday morning, the time when only nursing home community rooms and oil change shops have their radio tuned to that program. They want me to come on and answer… Continue Reading