Category Archives: Uncategorized

God Don’t Make No Junk

God don’t make no junk. My apologies to English teachers everywhere but the statement is true. When God made you He knew exactly what He was doing and He didn’t make no junk. David says in Psalm 139, “We are fearfully and wonderfully made and Your works (that’s you and me) are wonderful, I know… Continue Reading



Everybody is going somewhere it seems. Even when I’m standing still I’m getting older and headed for some destination. Nobody is actually not moving. If we look back at the end of the day we will be far away from where we started. That is so true that now we wear devices on our wrist… Continue Reading

Vulnerable Love

Vulnerable Love

Happy Valentine’s Day! In case you forgot there are still cars at the Dollar Store and chocolate at Mapco. And for you men who really know your wives heart Bass Pro Shop is running a special on tackle boxes. Knock yourself out. Actually in some relationships that would work just fine. We are all different… Continue Reading

Chemistry or Commitment

Now, what would a February Bible study be without a little love advice. Here’s the advice about love, do it! Okay, just kidding. There is more to it than that. Jimmy Evans wrote a great little book a few years ago on marriage called “Our Secret Paradise.” In it he describes the ways to rekindle and retain true… Continue Reading

Love, Boundaries and Zombies

Love, Boundaries and Zombies

  I had an idea the other day. I was talking to a young friend who is having a difficult time establishing and making boundaries in his life. He gets into trouble because he hasn’t decided where his life begins and other peoples ends. Paul says in Ephesians 4:14 that when we are like that… Continue Reading

50 Days: Day 42

50 Days: Day 42

Today is day 42 of a 50 day spiritual adventure. One negative by-product of such an endeavor is that we clearly see how fast time passes. The joyful expectations of the New Year and the commitment to “change somethings, once and for all” have given way to the frustration over missing several days and the… Continue Reading

He Knew

He Knew

Doris was pregnant while we lived in a mobile home in Augusta, Georgia. I was the youth pastor there and we lived on the parking lot beside the church. It would get so hot during the day that everything not metal in our little trailer would melt, Doris’s makeup, big fat Christmas candle, the glue… Continue Reading



Jakson gets marks. Jakson is my five year old grandson. He is an absolute delight, one of the funniest and most fun kids I have ever been around. He is the one that led his entire preschool class in a rebellion last year and taught them to write their names on the wall of the… Continue Reading

On Going Deep

On Going Deep

Usually at the beginning of the year I make plans and set goals for the coming months. I don’t do resolutions but I lay out the agenda for the coming year, write down the objectives and map out the necessary steps to get there. I don’t always accomplish all of my goals but one thing… Continue Reading

Day 3: SACERDOTAL    The Ministry of Mary

Day 3: SACERDOTAL The Ministry of Mary

Here’s last word in three days to keep Christmas Holy and Healthy. SACERDOTAL.     Understand the ministry of Mary. Luke 2:14-19 Sacerdotal means priestly, representing God. It’s the same root word from which we get Sacrament. When we take the sacraments, the bread and wine of communion that represent God to us. So the… Continue Reading