Day 2 of 40 Days: The God Who Takes Forever

Day 2 of 40 Days: The God Who Takes Forever

Day 2. Today’s reading is Psalm 44 and Luke 8:22-56 There is a wonderful praise song that we love that talks about “the God of angel armies.” Imagine in your darkest and most difficult hour the heavenly host of celestial beings all coming at God’s command to surround and protect you. I can get fired… Continue Reading

40 Days to Celebrate the King

We are starting a 40-day adventure. If you are wondering what that is, here is a link to my Facebook page and the video that explains it all. (I think) If you have already watched that PLEASE don’t watch it again. 🙂 Be blessed! Continue Reading

Follow Me: 40 Days to Celebrate the King

Follow Me: 40 Days to Celebrate the King

My friend Sarah had a fishing show. It was called, catchy enough, Hooked On Jesus. I was her pastor so it seemed right that she would invite me to be a guest on her show. We went out early one Thursday morning to Percy Priest Lake, two boats, Sarah, her husband Chris, and me in… Continue Reading

40 Days to Celebrate the Coming King

40 Days to Celebrate the Coming King

Consider taking the 40 Days before Christmas to intentionally focus on the Coming King and on growing deeper in your faith. I invite you to an online devotional time starting tomorrow and ending on Christmas Eve. It is as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. We will do 1 thing together for the 40 days,… Continue Reading

Hearing and Listening

Hearing and Listening

Okay, this story will get me in big trouble, and frankly, it should. But I don’t care. It’s such a good story it just needs to be told. I spoke at a big church in Nashville on Sunday. Doris went with me, and as is her custom, drove. On the way home, she was driving.… Continue Reading

New Podcast.  “What Difference Does That Make?”

New Podcast. “What Difference Does That Make?”

Cole Martinez is such an accomplished and remarkable young man. I enjoyed my conversation with him about CrossFit.  It applies in more ways than one.  🤓 Please listen, like, subscribe, and invite someone else.  Blessings   p Continue Reading