Experiencing the Experience

Experiencing the Experience

When I was young, very young, I loved playing baseball. I don’t think I was ever really good but I loved playing. I remember my first little league team. I remember the feeling of putting on the uniform and that brand-new baseball cap. I remember the first game I ever played under the lights. I… Continue Reading



Jon-Mical had a baseball game last Saturday. I was out of town at a men’s retreat so I counted on Doris to give me the play-by-play. As most of you know, we don’t miss a ballgame if we can keep from it. Grandkids are God’s second chance to really focus on what is important in… Continue Reading

Thinking Like A Millennial:   Podcast

Thinking Like A Millennial: Podcast

What a blast to do this episode with Jacob Courtney, my millennial son. He is fun, bright, quick-witted, a deep thinker, and a Christ-follower. You’ll enjoy this episode.   https://what-difference-does-that-make-with-dr-mike-courtney.simplecast.com/episodes/s2e10-thinking-like-a-millennial Continue Reading

Tell Me Quickly

Tell Me Quickly

Ashley Woods was wonderful in this interview on What Difference Does That Make? https://what-difference-does-that-make-with-dr-mike-courtney.simplecast.com/episodes/s2e9-tell-me-quickly   Continue Reading

The Battle for Your Thoughts

The Battle for Your Thoughts

Here’s an 8-minute video discussing the most important battlefield of all, your mind. You CAN change your thinking and you CAN change your life. I encourage you to take a look at Pastor Eddie Turner’s book, Conquering the Chaos in Your Mind. Click on the link below to watch the brief YouTube video for an… Continue Reading

What Difference Does That Make? Medication

What Difference Does That Make? Medication

Listen to a great episode on some powerful tools for taking care of yourself mentally. Special guests Fred Johnson and Joshua Courtney share their knowledge and insights. https://cdn.simplecast.com/audio/2cfe3762-4bb7-4ebe-ad41-19ce79282ba6/episodes/5ed8f618-a38c-4c63-93ea-6809898470e8/audio/56385438-1691-4ff9-9a4d-ff3ac1285449/default_tc.mp3   Continue Reading



It was early spring of 1980. Doris and I were living in a mobile home in Augusta, GA, furnished to us by the church where I was serving as youth pastor. We were enjoying one of our rare evenings at home with nothing on the schedule when a knock on the door surprised us. That… Continue Reading

The Moment of Absolute Certainty

The Moment of Absolute Certainty

I was a young, youth pastor, trying to make a major life decision. One of the teens in my youth group gave me this quote and it has been a source of direction for me for nearly 50 years. I found out much later that it comes from the Talmud, Jewish sacred literature. I’ve shared… Continue Reading

What Difference Does That Make?f

A new episode drops today. The second part of my interview with David Robertson, creator of My Virtual Mentor. If you are a man who is looking for an intentional discipleship plan, or you know a man like that, you will want to meet David. Download season 2, episode 7, of “What Difference Does That… Continue Reading