Love Actually: The Halfway Point, Day 20

Love Actually: The Halfway Point, Day 20

Okay, those of you who know me know that I try to stay as far away from the political divisiveness as possible. I believe there are stands that need to be made but right now, in this environment, social posting usually only widens the chasm. So, imagine my surprise when the scripture reading for today… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 19

Love Actually: Day 19

Welcome to Day 19  can you believe we are almost halfway through with our 40 Day Spiritual Adventure? Today read Psalm 143, Proverbs 10, and Hebrews 2:1-18. Here’s the last verse of all of that: “Since He Himself has gone through suffering and testing, He is able to help us when we are being tested.”… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 18

Love Actually: Day 18

This quote from Malcom Muggeridge is about Mother Teresa: “I ran away and stayed away; Mother Teresa moved in and stayed. That was the difference. She, a nun, rather slightly built with only a few rupees in her pocket; not particularly clever or particularly gifted in the art of persuasion. Just with this Christian love… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 17

Love Actually: Day 17

This week let’s focus on doing something for others. Today let’s read Psalm 143, Proverbs 8, and Deuteronomy 30:15-20 I’ll be brief. (Do you believe that?) There is a saying among TV evangelists, “Trust God for the increase.” It is usually preceded by, “Send me money and…” Now, I’m not discounting the fact that “my… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 15

Love Actually: Day 15

I AM SO SORRY. The Love Actually leader was Lazy Actually this morning. I’ll do better. This might be a good time for a recommitment, a refresher in deciding to be a disciple. This is from Visions of a World Hungry by Thomas Pettepiece . Every once in a while I will reread it and… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 14

Love Actually: Day 14

Doris and I were dating 45 years ago. She was living with her parents in Gallatin and I was living in a trailer in Ashland City. For those of you not familiar with Tennessee geography, those are two small towns about 50 miles apart with no direct route between the two. To travel that 50… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 13

Love Actually: Day 13

Welcome to Day 13. This week we are talking about prayer. Today read Psalm 42, Proverbs 3 (ask God to give you a wisdom just for you) and John 7:37-44. You know the other stuff we are doing. There is much about Richard Rohr that I don’t agree with. Those things don’t bother me. What… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 12

Love Actually: Day 12 Prayer. This week we are focusing on loving the presence of God, and prayer takes us into His presence. I said yesterday, “Prayer is not something we do. It is a place we abide. Do you notice how often Jesus prayed? Do you think He needed to tell the Father (Himself) stuff or ask… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 11

Love Actually: Day 11

We are starting the 2nd full week. Our 40 days will be over before we know it. This week the focus is prayer. I’ll post a brief video later this morning. But the key is to love His presence.  Prayer is not something I do. It is a place that I dwell. The scripture reading… Continue Reading