11/25/24  MondayMatters: Inertia

11/25/24 MondayMatters: Inertia

Momentum is a magnificent word. I believe more things are accomplished because of momentum or not accomplished because of a lack of momentum than anything else. If you desire to have a fantastic 2025 then creating momentum now is crucial. Here is a much too long description of, and invitation to, starting a great 2025 right now. 4 steps to finishing this year well and getting ready, already, for next year.

Here’s the video: https://youtu.be/LPjRLjIZpkw

And here’s the text.

Inertia: It is easier to direct an object in motion than an object at rest. Newton’s First Law of Motion
So what can we do NOW to make 2025 better?
  1. Make a rigorous ASSESSMENT.
                      What have I done well?
                        Where can I grow?
Seven Areas of Opportunity
  1. Spiritually
  2. Physically
  3. Financially
  4. Productively
  5. Relationally
  6. Intellectually
  7. Ministerially


2. Do an honest EVALUATION.
            What have I accomplished this year?
            What have I left undone?
            What can I still finish?
Finishing Well
  1. Keep on pushing.
  2. Stay focused.
  3. Create a plan.
  4. Use a check-list.
  5. Give yourself GRACE.
3. Write a current INVENTORY.
What circumstances have changed?
What relationships are different?
What resources have I added?
What vision has refocused?
What direction has God given me?
  1. Establish some year-end MOMENTUM.
          Start something new.
          End something not productive.
          Prepare your information.
          Postpone one big stumbling block.
          Just do it. Get going.
And here’s an INVITATION.
December 1 to January 19
50 Day, Momentum-Building, Spiritual Adventure
Join me for 50 days of being intentional about our walk with Christ. I will post something on this blog site each day for us to think about together. We will also commit to these things:
1. We will begin reading the Bible together each day. We will jump in on December 1st with Brian on the Daily Audio Bible. Go download that app now.
2. We will pray together at the Prayer Wall. Each week we will add a brick, until there are 7 bricks to our daily prayer wall.
3. We will learn to journal. Each day we will write a VERY brief thought about what God is saying to us. Get a little notebook now.
4. We will fast for 21 days during the middle of our 50 Day Adventure. Not a full fast but we will learn about it. Plan for it. And benefit from it.
5. We will read one book during this 50 days. I’ll recommend a couple or feel free to choose one yourself and tell us about it.
6. We will begin a simple exercise program, maybe walking 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week. (or more.) And tell is about it.
7. Finally, I invite you to 2 spiritual retreats in 50 days, one the last week of December and one in January. About  3-4 hours of online spiritual meditation, prayer, scripture reading, and growing.
If your interested, respond here, or on somewhere 🙂  and we will start building momentum.

To see more of this discussion in print I urge you to go to  Facebook  @cmichaelcourtney 

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