Category Archives: Mike’s Blog

Einstein by Jacob

Einstein I sat around a table with about a dozen international people ranging from their late teens to their early thirties.  I was the only American and I was having dinner with some new found friends in the south of France.  We took turns going around the table briefly describing the lives that we had… Continue Reading

She’s There Now

Got this text conversation from my son, Josh with his 4 year old son, Jon-Mical last Tuesday, the evening my mother died.   I told Jon-Mical that Nanny died. He immediately asked if she was flying now. “Flying?” I asked. “Yes. Is she flying up to heaven?” he responded. I told him she was. He… Continue Reading


Jesus is pushing His way through the crowd and a women who has suffered with bleeding her entire life touches the hem of His cloak and is healed. A young boy that was beset by demons was brought to Jesus and fell on the ground convulsing in front of Him. Jesus reached down and took… Continue Reading

The Spirit Principles

The Spirit Principles (I was thinking the other day I never posted the 6th blog in The Abundant Life series. Sorry about that. Here’s the last one.) Lawrence J Peter, author of the famous and now forgotten business textbook called The Peter Principle said this, “In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his… Continue Reading

Being Changed

There is an ancient fable that is told about a wonderful king who had no son. His heart’s desire was to produce a male child that he could love, mentor, and someday leave his kingdom to. Sure enough, as fables go, he finally had his son. But very quickly, to his dismay, it became apparent… Continue Reading


There is a powerful scene near the end of the movie The Kingdom of Heaven. Orlando Bloom plays the part of Balian, a blacksmith turned knight that has come to defend Jerusalem against the Muslim hoard that seeks to overthrow the Christian held city in the 12th century. All of the other knights have either… Continue Reading


He came to earth as a baby, knowing that someday he would be the savior of the world. His “earthly” parents took him to a small little town where he was raised in obscurity, almost secretive, growing stronger everyday and waiting for the right time to reveal his strength and special power to the world.… Continue Reading

The Majestic Life

There is a feel good movie from about 10 years ago called The Majestic. Jim Carrey played an amnesiac screen writer who stumbles into a small, depressed, down beaten town in Northern California. There are two prominent features of this little town, the dilapidated old, out of service theatre that once dominated the main street… Continue Reading