Category Archives: Uncategorized

Love Actually: Day 25

Love Actually: Day 25

I wrote a tell-all book many years ago. The good news is that it told-all about ME. It is no Pulitzer prize winner but it is perhaps one of the most healing acts I have ever done. To put on paper, with pen, the complete and honest account of your own sins is to be… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 24

Love Actually: Day 24

Right out of Trevecca Doris and I were called to a church in Augusta, Georgia to do “youth and music,” two absolutely, completely incompatible jobs, that only someone with the blind optimism of youth would even attempt. It was my first introduction to a “big” church, about 200 people, as opposed to the “small” church… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 23

Love Actually: Day 23

We enter a new week, a new theme, a new Psalm. Psalm 32, Proverbs 15, and Matthew 11:2-19 are the readings for today. We will think about the church this week, as one of the things that God loves. He calls it, in fact, His bride. Today, I will do a brief video with some… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 22

Love Actually: Day 22

This is what we read today: Psalm 143, Proverbs 13, and Romans 12. Next week: Psalm 32, the Proverbs chapter of the day, and Monday-Matt 11:2-19, Tuesday-I Cor 15:1-28, Wednesday-Rom 1:1-17, Thursday-Isa 25:1-9, Friday-Col 3:1-17, Saturday-Rom 8:31-39 I love this from C. S. Lewis. “People often think of Christian morality as a kind of bargain… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 21

Love Actually: Day 21

Today is Friday, March 12. We are 21 days into our 40 day adventure. I have heard from many that this is helpful, that they are finding a new soul space to love the things that God loves. I hope that is true. On Friday, a little later in the morning, I always write a… Continue Reading

Love Actually: The Halfway Point, Day 20

Love Actually: The Halfway Point, Day 20

Okay, those of you who know me know that I try to stay as far away from the political divisiveness as possible. I believe there are stands that need to be made but right now, in this environment, social posting usually only widens the chasm. So, imagine my surprise when the scripture reading for today… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 19

Love Actually: Day 19

Welcome to Day 19  can you believe we are almost halfway through with our 40 Day Spiritual Adventure? Today read Psalm 143, Proverbs 10, and Hebrews 2:1-18. Here’s the last verse of all of that: “Since He Himself has gone through suffering and testing, He is able to help us when we are being tested.”… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 18

Love Actually: Day 18

This quote from Malcom Muggeridge is about Mother Teresa: “I ran away and stayed away; Mother Teresa moved in and stayed. That was the difference. She, a nun, rather slightly built with only a few rupees in her pocket; not particularly clever or particularly gifted in the art of persuasion. Just with this Christian love… Continue Reading

Love Actually: Day 17

Love Actually: Day 17

This week let’s focus on doing something for others. Today let’s read Psalm 143, Proverbs 8, and Deuteronomy 30:15-20 I’ll be brief. (Do you believe that?) There is a saying among TV evangelists, “Trust God for the increase.” It is usually preceded by, “Send me money and…” Now, I’m not discounting the fact that “my… Continue Reading