Category Archives: Uncategorized

Before The Beginning of Time

Doris was pregnant while we lived in a mobile home in Augusta, Georgia. I was the youth pastor there and we lived on the parking lot beside the church. It would get so hot during the day that everything not metal in our little trailer would melt, Doris’s makeup, big fat Christmas candle, the glue… Continue Reading

John 1: I Love You!

(This is a VERY long blog. Last week we began a Sunday night worshio/Bible study in Lebanon at Bates Ford. It was really neat. This is the message from that. Each week we are taking a story from the Gospel of John. I don’t know that I’ll post each week because they are long but… Continue Reading



Dear Friends, I’m writing this note to answer a few questions, mainly my own. You may know (you may not know, you may not even care, all of those options are fine) that Doris and I are going to begin a weekly Sunday night worship/study this Sunday night, January 6. We are meeting at Bates… Continue Reading

Give Me That Mountain

GIVE ME THAT MOUNTAIN     I woke up early this morning to a burning project. You know how every once in a while something pops into your beady, little brain while you are sleeping and you wake up thinking, “This is the most important thing in the world. I’ve got to get it done… Continue Reading

Happy Sucking

We sat last week in the very back of a local, quaint restaurant called Miller’s Grocery. It was years ago a one room, general store, nestled beside a railroad track and next to the Post Office in a tiny, Tennessee village. Today it has been converted into a “must eat at” tourist kind of venue… Continue Reading


I confess that I am not a political person. Oh, Doris and I vote faithfully. We watch the debates and then the debates about the debates. We are very proud of our sons who follow the political scene and voice their convictions. But for me politics has always been a necessary evil. I get no… Continue Reading

The Fog

 Carl Sandburg wrote the little diddy, “The fog comes on little cat’s feet and sits looking over the city on silent haunches, and then moves on.” I have no idea what that means but I do know what it is like to have the fog setting right down over me and to pray that it… Continue Reading

Healing A Diverse Community

  (This is the presentation I made a few days ago to the Mental Health Association of Middle Tennessee. The topic was Healing A Diverse Community. The people before me spoke about racial inequality in Middle Tennessee and the conflict over building a new mosque.)   HEALING A DIVERSE COMMUNITY My grandson is  4. His… Continue Reading