

There are a lot of fun people on this trip. One of them is Brian White, the former Nazarene teen heart throb. (I’m not sure if he is a former Nazarene or a former teen heart throb.) We have been friends for a long time and he and his wife Karyn are traveling with Chonda,… Continue Reading

“We must go to Jerusalem…”

“We must go to Jerusalem…”

The hardest part about the trip to Israel is the trip to Israel. We are 9 hours ahead of the time that God intended in Middle Tennessee. That means I am writing this blog at 2am on Monday morning and, thanks to the amazing magic of the internet, many of you will read it at… Continue Reading

New Year’s Intentions

New Year’s Intentions

Well, here we are, three weeks into the new year, the year for 2020 Vision, and I stink. Some of my New Years stuff I am doing quite well. Some of it has been a total loss. I wanted to lose some weight this year, I think I have gained about 4. I wanted to… Continue Reading

My Response

My Response

I was in Jr. High School I think, (back when they had Jr. High Schools). I was at a party (back when I went to parties) and my parents came to pick me up about 8pm and we were headed home. We lived in Georgetown, SC. My father was listening to the radio and the… Continue Reading

He Restoreth My Soul

He Restoreth My Soul

WORSHIP Be still and know that I am God. 4X  Key change. Repeat I am the God that health thee. I am the Lord your healer. I sent my Word and I healed your disease. (I am the Lord, your healer.)   Key change. Repeat. Tag   As the deer panteth for the water, So my… Continue Reading



My father had a great voice, a deep, baritone, with a rich tone and power. Everywhere we went people loved to hear dad sing. He had a quirky thing. He sang from the side of his mouth, not straight on, out the front, like most people. He always moved his mouth to one side of… Continue Reading

January 1, 2019 Follow-up

The keystone habit for spiritual development has to be consistent time in the Word of God. Prayer is vital. The spiritual disciplines like tithing, witnessing, service are all crucial. But everything we do spiritually rises out of a regular, focused, intentional plan for staying in the Word. My friend Robert and I have been to… Continue Reading

2020 Vision

2020 Vision

Let me make a confession. I talk to myself. A lot. When I’m alone in the car, late at night while closing up Branches, working out at the farm, I have great, lengthy, impassioned conversations with…well, ME. And yes, to answer your question, I talk back to me. To be truthful, some of the most… Continue Reading

My Life for Yours

My Life for Yours

A few days ago, I attended a fund-raising event for Siloam, a non-profit, primary medical care organization in Nashville. They have worked tirelessly for 20 years serving the underserved and marginalized in Davidson County, Tennessee. While their primary focus has been the burgeoning immigrant and refugee population of middle Tennessee, of late they have taken… Continue Reading

And Now, We Wait

And Now, We Wait

I am reminded at the beginning of this Holy Week that Jesus knew what the end of the week held for Him, but He had to wait for the weekend to come. Can you imagine? Knowing the agony, the betrayal, the loneliness, knowing the power, the miracle, the resurrection, all of that was coming, and… Continue Reading