2/22/24    Lent   Psalm 59

2/22/24 Lent Psalm 59

2/22/24 Lent Psalm 59 

Look! I’m trying to give David the benefit of the doubt, but he is wearing me out. These middle psalms, Psalm 50-70, are just one rant after another against David’s enemies. “Deliver me from my enemies, O God; be my fortress against those who are attacking me.  Deliver me from evildoers  and save me from those who are after my blood.” Psalm 59:1-2 

This thing is going on like episode after episode of The Walking Dead. It never ends and each week, another enemy arises. We need a break. 

So, let’s take one and talk about community. Don’t look for it in today’s psalm. I don’t think it’s there. But it’s a nice change of pace.  (When you write a devotional series, you can write about whatever you want to. 😊)  

We are made for community. When God did all of His wonderful creative work in Genesis 1, each day He stepped back and said, “This is good.” Until He got to the end, saw Adam all by his lonesome, and said, “This is not good.” “It is not good for man to be alone.” The insight of God was that man needed others. We are made for community. The famous poem of John Donne begins, “No man is an island, entire unto himself.” The need to be connected and committed to a group of people is designed into our DNA. 

And maybe that is found in these Psalms of Lament, as these psalms we have been reading are known. Most of the anguish of David is not fear for his life, but despair for being separated and cut off from his people. Even in this Psalm, he asks the Lord to beat up his enemies but not to kill them. Vs 11 The guy that’s causing him the most grief is King Saul who was David’s mentor and idol. Even David is crying, “Lord, this is not good. I need to be in community.” 

So, where do we go for that? How do we find community? We intentionally make space and time for a group of like-minded believers and give community a chance to develop. When I finish this blog, I am going to meet with my Thursday morning MENtoring group. These guys have been my community for nearly 20 years. It didn’t happen overnight. It has been a long time meeting together, praying for each other, laughing at bad jokes. After a while, almost without knowing it, community springs up. And I have some people that I can complain to about the “snarling dogs” nipping at my heels. Vs 6 

Here’s my observations: 

  1. If you are not in community, you need to be.
  2. It only happens on purpose. 
  3. If you don’t you will end up in a cave complaining about the “belching of your enemies.” (vs 12 in the King James Version 😊) 

In community I am reminded that God is still in control. “You are my strength, I sing praise to You; You, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.” vs 17 So, join a life group, find a Bible study, get involved on Wednesday night. Do something to get back into community. If you don’t, you’ll be singing songs of lament.  

BTW Thanks for being my community. 

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