Category Archives: Mike’s Blog

Real Repentance

Real Repentance

REAL REPENTANCE I was saddened to read the internet headlines yesterday that Billy Graham’s grandson Tullian Tchividjian has resigned from his pulpit at Coral Ridge Presbyterian, a high-profile church in South Florida, after admitting he had an affair. I heard Tullian speak a couple of years ago and he is a gifted communicator. I have followed… Continue Reading

The Blown Call

The Blown Call

However you feel about the outcome of the Super Bowl last night you probably agree with most of sports minded humanity that the hopes of the Seattle Seahawks ended on a pretty bizarre play. For the 7 of you who were not watching (which included me until the last 3 minutes by the way), Seattle… Continue Reading

The Hitter

The Hitter

Our youngest grandson, Jakson, is three. He also is a hitter. Now, in his defense, he’s small for his age. Lots of people, including his PoppyC, play rough and tumble with him, tickling, tackling, teasing. Sometimes the only way for him to get our attention or save himself from too much “picking” is a good… Continue Reading

David’s Legacy

David’s Legacy

This is a revised and abbreviated version of the funeral message for David Pierce. If you’d like to read the entire message the link is posted at the end of this blog. I have been thinking a lot over these last few days about David, King David, that mighty man of valor, 2nd king of… Continue Reading

Everyday Easter

Everyday Easter

Yesterday was mowing day on the Courtney estate. Started my little push mower and set out on the familiar loop around the back yard to whack dandelions and daffodils alike. It didn’t matter to me. Whatever is in my path was going down. Mowing is my therapy on bad days and it had been kind… Continue Reading

The Paper

The Paper

I loved breakfast at church camp in Batesburg, SC. We would stand in line outside the canteen, waiting for them to unhook the screen door and let 60 sleepy-eyed, bed-headed, teenagers stumble in to heaps of sausage links, scrambled eggs, and a huge pot of grits slathered with butter. We couldn’t even spell cholesterol in… Continue Reading