Category Archives: Uncategorized

Celebration and Palm Sunday

Celebration and Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Reading: Psalm 92-93 and John 12:12-50 I know it’s Sunday. My plan all along on our 40 Days of Reconciliation was to write only Monday through Friday and not on weekends except Palm Sunday and Easter weekend. Traditionally the 40 days of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and does not count weekends. So,… Continue Reading

She’s Just Yukky

She’s Just Yukky

Reading for today: Psalm 79 and John 11:17-44   Jakson started preschool at 4. Up to that point he had mainly been around only his older brother and some semi-adult men, like PoppyC, who probably played too rough and teased too much. Socializing with other kids was a challenge to say the least. One day,… Continue Reading

The Wild Pitch

Reading today: Psalm 73 and John 8:31-47 Josh was 8. It was the first year of kid pitch baseball. Up to that point the ball was on a T for the kids or the coaches lobbed a slow, easy ball over the plate. But this year, mano a mano, pitcher against hitter, baseball was going… Continue Reading



Reading for today Psalm 71 and John 7:53-8:11 Let’s get this out of the way right up front. I’m late writing this devo. It’s 5:45AM when I am starting it. I’m usually long finished and it’s on its way through the magical internet by now. I went to a Chonda concert in Bowling Green last… Continue Reading


Reading today Psalm 66, John 6:41-59 My wife has a terrible disease. It is apparently a genetic thing because her mother had it and both of her sisters have it. They all suffer from the “I can’t hide my giggles” disease. From our earliest time together I have watched her, and them, get tickled at… Continue Reading

Do You Want to Get Well?

Reading today: Psalm 60 and John 5:1-15 Jesus asked great questions. “Who do people say that I am?” “Couldn’t you pray one hour?” “Whose picture is on the coin?” His questions were thought provoking, spirit probing. His questions often got right to the heart of the matter. He asked great questions. In John 5, not… Continue Reading

Tammy the Timeless Teller

Reading today Psalm 59 and John 4:27-38, 43-54 Doris and I were at the funeral home last night. We sat for a long time with a couple we have not seen for years. They were our best friends in college. We lived in the married students’ apartments at the bottom of the campus at Trevecca.… Continue Reading



Reading for today: John 4:1-20, 39-42 John throws in little, seemingly random, bits of information that later come back to change the whole tenor of the story. Five loaves and two fishes. Two more days. 5000 people. In this story, it’s time. He says, “It was about noon.” Jesus and his entourage are passing through… Continue Reading

Trust God for the Decrease

Reading Psalm 57, John 3:22-36 Trust God for the Decrease I’ll be brief. (Do you believe that?) There is a saying among TV evangelists, “Trust God for the increase.” It is usually preceded by, “Send me money and…” Now, I’m not discounting the fact that “my God shall supply all your need according to His… Continue Reading

Born Again?

Born Again?

Reading today, Psalm 56, John 3:1-21 Jesus said some crazy things. One of the craziest is, “You have to be born again.” It’s not so crazy because of the content but because of the context. We look back at the statement in John 3 with 2000 years of theological understanding and it makes perfect sense.… Continue Reading