50 Days: Day 42

50 Days: Day 42

Today is day 42 of a 50 day spiritual adventure. One negative by-product of such an endeavor is that we clearly see how fast time passes. The joyful expectations of the New Year and the commitment to “change somethings, once and for all” have given way to the frustration over missing several days and the… Continue Reading

He Knew

He Knew

Doris was pregnant while we lived in a mobile home in Augusta, Georgia. I was the youth pastor there and we lived on the parking lot beside the church. It would get so hot during the day that everything not metal in our little trailer would melt, Doris’s makeup, big fat Christmas candle, the glue… Continue Reading



Jakson gets marks. Jakson is my five year old grandson. He is an absolute delight, one of the funniest and most fun kids I have ever been around. He is the one that led his entire preschool class in a rebellion last year and taught them to write their names on the wall of the… Continue Reading

The Jag

The Jag

In May of 2005 Doris and I were still putting the pieces back together from the STUPID chapters of my life. I had been to the clinic about a year before. God had done a miracle in us and for us. We were back together, learning to do marriage and life a whole new way.… Continue Reading

Curse You Fiery Gizzard!

Curse You Fiery Gizzard!

This weekend my friend Wayne and I backpacked the Fiery Gizzard Trail on the Cumberland Plateau near Monteagle, Tennessee. It is both breathtakingly beautiful and gut-wrenching brutal. We hiked 17.5 miles over the 2 days, 13.5 the first day and 4 the second. We slept (and I use that word generously) in the middle of… Continue Reading

On Going Deep

On Going Deep

Usually at the beginning of the year I make plans and set goals for the coming months. I don’t do resolutions but I lay out the agenda for the coming year, write down the objectives and map out the necessary steps to get there. I don’t always accomplish all of my goals but one thing… Continue Reading

Well, Here We Go!

Well, Here We Go!

I love my daughter-in-law but she cries a lot. Especially when it comes to watching her boys grow up. That’s okay. I usually cry with her. Last week we had a tearful moment. Jon-Mical who is 7 was having his first official sleep over at a friend’s house. He was excited all day. Packed his… Continue Reading

Real Repentance

Real Repentance

REAL REPENTANCE I was saddened to read the internet headlines yesterday that Billy Graham’s grandson Tullian Tchividjian has resigned from his pulpit at Coral Ridge Presbyterian, a high-profile church in South Florida, after admitting he had an affair. I heard Tullian speak a couple of years ago and he is a gifted communicator. I have followed… Continue Reading

The Blown Call

The Blown Call

However you feel about the outcome of the Super Bowl last night you probably agree with most of sports minded humanity that the hopes of the Seattle Seahawks ended on a pretty bizarre play. For the 7 of you who were not watching (which included me until the last 3 minutes by the way), Seattle… Continue Reading