You Get To Pick

Red sweater or jacket? Coffee with cream or pumpkin spice latte? Do I drive today or take the metro? We are inundated with choices. My guess is that we make more choices in our western society in a day than some cultures make in a lifetime. Everywhere I go, about most things, I get to… Continue Reading

Before The Beginning of Time

Doris was pregnant while we lived in a mobile home in Augusta, Georgia. I was the youth pastor there and we lived on the parking lot beside the church. It would get so hot during the day that everything not metal in our little trailer would melt, Doris’s makeup, big fat Christmas candle, the glue… Continue Reading

Step 1: Angry Birds

We celebrated Jon-Mical’s birthday this weekend. He turned 5 on Friday. It was an Angry Bird affair with Angry Bird banners, Angry Bird paper plates, Angry Bird napkins and even a big green cake with towers to knock down, a slingshot to use, and a fierce red cardinal glaring up from the middle of the… Continue Reading

Empty Pots and Perfect Joy

The morning sun rises hot but beautiful over the good-sized village of Nazareth.  The whole town wakes up in celebration and anticipation of the day ahead.  Nowhere is that excitement more vibrant than in the two homes of two young people, Benjamin & Sarai.   Today is their wedding day. Their fathers have been friends since… Continue Reading

New Years Step 1

We are two weeks into the New Year. For most of us the holiday weariness is just passing and we are starting to get our traction again for the winter days ahead. Maybe we are reevaluating our New Year’s resolutions or 2013 goals. I was going to read through the Bible this year but I’m… Continue Reading

John 1: I Love You!

(This is a VERY long blog. Last week we began a Sunday night worshio/Bible study in Lebanon at Bates Ford. It was really neat. This is the message from that. Each week we are taking a story from the Gospel of John. I don’t know that I’ll post each week because they are long but… Continue Reading

Timing and Mr. Tumbles

Mr. Tumbles is my little hideaway cabin in the woods of Tennessee. It’s not much to look at and pretty austere on the inside. There are bunkbeds, a propane heater (nice to have), a tiny bathroom (even nicer), a kitchen area with a little gas stove, and a bookcase full of some of my favorite… Continue Reading



Dear Friends, I’m writing this note to answer a few questions, mainly my own. You may know (you may not know, you may not even care, all of those options are fine) that Doris and I are going to begin a weekly Sunday night worship/study this Sunday night, January 6. We are meeting at Bates… Continue Reading