Category Archives: Uncategorized

Making the Holiday Holy: SIMPLE

Making the Holiday Holy: SIMPLE

THREE DAYS OF MAKING THE HOLIDAY HOLY! For the next three days look at three words to make your holiday as stress free and as sacred as it can be, Todays word… SIMPLE  Remember the story of the Shepherds.  Luke 2:8-12 A few weeks ago we took Jakson, our 3 year old grandson to the… Continue Reading


Quenched by jacobcourtney1 “The first time I tried beer, I hated the taste. The last time I tried beer, I hated the taste too—but for a different reason. This is a story about a man who loves God—always has from the time he was seven. But at 45 he said hello to a substance that… Continue Reading

The Father Wound (outline from Simply Free)

The Father Wound Dr. Mike Courtney Simply Free 2014   “While the term “father wound” is not an officially recognized clinical term, it is used by many mental health professionals in identifying the origin of numerous emotional and behavioral conflicts in spouses, singles and children. These difficulties can be the result of failing to have… Continue Reading

David’s Funeral Message

I have been thinking a lot over these last few days about David. Not our David but King David, that mighty man of valor, 2nd king of Israel, that David. Well really about how much that David and our David had in common. They were both writers. King David wrote most of the Psalms, probably… Continue Reading

Making the Most of Movie Momentum

Making the Most of Movie Momentum

Making the Movie Momentum Matter One sportswriter said, “Momentum is a fickle dance partner.” Whether in business, baseball, or building a relationship, when things are going bad it’s hard to change. When momentum is moving in our favor, however, it makes sense to grab hold and dance until the music stops. For decades we in… Continue Reading

To School Counselors

To School Counselors

This article was published today in the Daily News & Journal. It is an open letter to my daughter-in-law and all school counselors on the last day of National School Counseling Week.   February 3-7, 2014 is National School Counseling Week. More than 32,000 school counselors nationwide will be participating in the week’s festivities. Many… Continue Reading

Your Walk Talks Louder Than Your Talk Talks

I did not watch the Grammys. I have read with interest the uproar on Facebook and other places by Christians over much of the content of that the awards show aired on CBS. It sounds like much of what we stand for as Christians was ridiculed and slapped in the face. And we, as we… Continue Reading

The Great small Church

The Great small Church

I am a fan of Walmart. I admit I like the idea of one stop shopping and everything I could possibly want being under one gigantic roof. But the other day Jakson (my grandson) and I stopped in Haynes Hardware. A small store in our neighborhood that has snow shovels piled next to rat traps… Continue Reading

7 Actions of a World Changer

7 Actions of a World Changer

I need to confess to a couple of things. First, I am not a world changer. I mean, I want to make a difference. I want to help people where I can. But I never imagine myself having a very big impact.  Now here’s the 2nd confession. I was raised in a pretty legalistic church and I have a… Continue Reading