Day 3: SACERDOTAL    The Ministry of Mary

Day 3: SACERDOTAL The Ministry of Mary

Here’s last word in three days to keep Christmas Holy and Healthy. SACERDOTAL.     Understand the ministry of Mary. Luke 2:14-19 Sacerdotal means priestly, representing God. It’s the same root word from which we get Sacrament. When we take the sacraments, the bread and wine of communion that represent God to us. So the… Continue Reading

Making the Holiday Holy: SIMPLE

Making the Holiday Holy: SIMPLE

THREE DAYS OF MAKING THE HOLIDAY HOLY! For the next three days look at three words to make your holiday as stress free and as sacred as it can be, Todays word… SIMPLE  Remember the story of the Shepherds.  Luke 2:8-12 A few weeks ago we took Jakson, our 3 year old grandson to the… Continue Reading

The Hitter

The Hitter

Our youngest grandson, Jakson, is three. He also is a hitter. Now, in his defense, he’s small for his age. Lots of people, including his PoppyC, play rough and tumble with him, tickling, tackling, teasing. Sometimes the only way for him to get our attention or save himself from too much “picking” is a good… Continue Reading


Quenched by jacobcourtney1 “The first time I tried beer, I hated the taste. The last time I tried beer, I hated the taste too—but for a different reason. This is a story about a man who loves God—always has from the time he was seven. But at 45 he said hello to a substance that… Continue Reading

The Father Wound (outline from Simply Free)

The Father Wound Dr. Mike Courtney Simply Free 2014   “While the term “father wound” is not an officially recognized clinical term, it is used by many mental health professionals in identifying the origin of numerous emotional and behavioral conflicts in spouses, singles and children. These difficulties can be the result of failing to have… Continue Reading

David’s Funeral Message

I have been thinking a lot over these last few days about David. Not our David but King David, that mighty man of valor, 2nd king of Israel, that David. Well really about how much that David and our David had in common. They were both writers. King David wrote most of the Psalms, probably… Continue Reading

David’s Legacy

David’s Legacy

This is a revised and abbreviated version of the funeral message for David Pierce. If you’d like to read the entire message the link is posted at the end of this blog. I have been thinking a lot over these last few days about David, King David, that mighty man of valor, 2nd king of… Continue Reading

Living Out Pentecost

Living Out Pentecost

On July 8th, 1741 in Enfield, Connecticut, almost 35 years before the Declaration of Independence, an early American preacher by the name of Jonathan Edwards stepped into the pulpit. He took his text from Deuteronomy and began to preach. The title of his message was Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. It was… Continue Reading

Everyday Easter

Everyday Easter

Yesterday was mowing day on the Courtney estate. Started my little push mower and set out on the familiar loop around the back yard to whack dandelions and daffodils alike. It didn’t matter to me. Whatever is in my path was going down. Mowing is my therapy on bad days and it had been kind… Continue Reading