The Moment of Absolute Certainty

The Moment of Absolute Certainty

I was a young, youth pastor, trying to make a major life decision. One of the teens in my youth group gave me this quote and it has been a source of direction for me for nearly 50 years. I found out much later that it comes from the Talmud, Jewish sacred literature. I’ve shared it with hundreds of people down through the years.

“Live each day to the fullest.
Get the most from each hour, each day and each age of your life
Then you can look forward with confidence and back without regrets.

Be yourself- but be your best self.
Dare to be different and to follow your own star
And don’t be afraid to be happy.

Enjoy what is beautiful.
Love with all your heart and soul.
Believe that those you love, love you.

Forget what you have done for your friends
and remember what they have done for you.
Disregard what the world owes you and
concentrate on what you owe the world.

When you are faced with a decision, make the decision
as wisely as possible – then forget it.
The moment of absolute certainty never arrives.

Blessed is the generation in which the old listen to the young
And double – blessed is the generation in which the young listen to the old.”

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