10/14/24  MondayMatters: Remember

10/14/24 MondayMatters: Remember

This is a little different. Kind of fun. Doris and I had an unexpected, extra day with our two youngest grandsons. I decided to take advantage of that opportunity to have them join me. It’s not the most profound MondayMatters but it may be the cutest. And when you do a video, you can invite your grandkids. 🤓

For today, remember these four things:

1. God loves you. Nothing else matters when we hold on to this.

2. God’s Word is good. “Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

3. God has a plan for your life. “I know the plans I have for you…”

4. God has someone or some people that He wants you to ministers to. Remember the things and forget all that has you burdened and depressed. 🤓

Now watch the cutest grandsons ever on the MondayMatters video for this week by clicking the link below.

To see more MondayMatters videos, most without Caleb and Amos, follow my YouTube channel @cmichaelcourtney


The Importance of Being Tribal

The Importance of Being Tribal

A friend of mine passed away this week. I don’t know if friend is the right word. He was a few years older. We had not seen or even spoken to one another in at least ten years. We were not in the same circles at all, but he was a member of one of… Continue Reading

10/7/24 MondayMatters: Living Above Reproach

10/7/24 MondayMatters: Living Above Reproach

I Timothy 3:2   “An overseer must be above reproach.” My contention is that is true for all of us. “Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you no one would believe it.”  Unknown Some thoughts about living above reproach: Your actions outweigh your words. Your walk talks and your talk talks… Continue Reading

8/19/24 MondayMatters: On Being Blessed

8/19/24 MondayMatters: On Being Blessed

https://youtu.be/YKlh_2VMkuE?si=YQVgOqIdcrJkV0PX “I am blessed and highly favored.” “Well, bless your heart.” “God bless you.” We use those phrases all of the time but what do we mean by them? We see being blessed as being lucky, having good stuff, not having any problems. In the Beatitudes (blessings) Jesus talks to people in the worst of… Continue Reading

On Fathers and Sons 

On Fathers and Sons 

  There is a “sermon illustration” that is told that in the prisons when the prisoners are offered Mother’s Day cards to send to their mothers, the response is overwhelming. Thousands upon thousands of cards are provided and sent each year, But, so the story goes, when the same offer is made on Father’s Day,… Continue Reading

5/27/24 MondayMatters: Living With Memories

5/27/24 MondayMatters: Living With Memories

https://youtu.be/ARb-KFaRg1Y Click the video link above Memories are a wonderful gift from God, but if we allow them to, they can defeat and destroy us. Studies show that we actually only remember about 15-20% of the things that we think we do. And those memories are not 100% accurate. Here are some important keys to… Continue Reading

5/13/24 MondayMatters: Great Expectations (or not so great)

5/13/24 MondayMatters: Great Expectations (or not so great)

We all have a little Clark Griswald in us. We create these over-the-top, larger than life expectations of an event, a season, or a relationship. And more often than not things just don’t happen the way we imagine. Here are some fantastic ideas about how to manage expectations, well, at least some pretty good ones.… Continue Reading