Category Archives: Faith

4/22/24 MondayMatters: Surprised By Shame

4/22/24 MondayMatters: Surprised By Shame

Have you ever been surprised, shocked or sandbagged by some negative thought, some moment of discouragement, depression, or fear that just nearly overwhelmed you? Maybe it was anxiety, maybe obsessive thoughts about hurt, maybe shame; those thoughts that the devil will use to defeat us. They come like a thief, to steal, kill, and destroy. Here are some steps to take when you are under attack. Click the link to watch the video.

Three Observations:

1. Don’t be surprised when negative thoughts come.

2. Thinking creates feelings. It doesn’t change the truth.

3. Guilt is about what I’ve done. Shame tries to say what I am.

Five Steps To Stop The Shame:

1. Examine your thoughts to discover the source.

2. Look into any unresolved issues like, unconfessed sin, unmade amends, or unforgiven hurts.

3. Ask God for clear directions.

4. Be obedient to that.

5. Give your history to God and accept His present and future for you. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Instagram.    @cmichaelcourtney

Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer (warning, may be my longest blog ever.)  2 Chronicles 20:15 — “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.”  I had a conversation with a young mother on Easter Sunday morning. She was distraught. Her baby was very sick, but her… Continue Reading

3/13/24   Lent   Psalm 79   IFTTT

3/13/24 Lent Psalm 79 IFTTT

3/13/24 Lent Psalm 79 IFTTT  The history of the children of Israel has always been an “If this then that” relationship. God designed it that way, at least from His side. “If you keep my commandments, you will be blessed.” “If you call on my Name I will answer.” “If you bow down before Me,… Continue Reading

2/23/24   Lent  Psalm 60    No Pain, No Gain

2/23/24 Lent Psalm 60 No Pain, No Gain

2/23/24        Lent       Psalm 60  Remember this is Lent, a season that Christians have traditionally “tried” to identify with the passion and pain of Jesus as He made His way through the last weeks of His earthly, pre-resurrected ministry and life. We give something up. We fast. We take on an added spiritual discipline, in part,… Continue Reading

Black History Month: In The Beginning Was The Relationship

Black History Month: In The Beginning Was The Relationship

The creation story starts with the familiar words, “In the beginning, God.”  It goes on to include some physical phenomena, a move of the Spirit, and eventually, man and woman made in “our,” a plural God, image.  That verse could have as easily said, “In the beginning was the Relationship.” God is nothing if He… Continue Reading

10/22/23 MondayMatters: The Discipline of Study

10/22/23 MondayMatters: The Discipline of Study

Paul says, “Study to show yourself approved…” (2 Timothy 2:15) Whatever the subject, being intentional about study makes us more proficient, more productive, and more prepared to share our wisdom. Study, specifically study of our faith and the Word of God, improves our walk, informs our talk, and enhances our life in Christ. Here are… Continue Reading

ALL IN: Day 9

ALL IN: Day 9

The walk with Jesus is a walk of discipline. That is why we are called disciples. That is why following Him is called discipleship. But discipline is not gritting your teeth and doing what you do not want to do. Discipline is having a heart open to being led by God. It is having a… Continue Reading