Monthly Archives: May 2024

5/13/24 MondayMatters: Great Expectations (or not so great)

5/13/24 MondayMatters: Great Expectations (or not so great)

We all have a little Clark Griswald in us. We create these over-the-top, larger than life expectations of an event, a season, or a relationship. And more often than not things just don’t happen the way we imagine. Here are some fantastic ideas about how to manage expectations, well, at least some pretty good ones. 😂

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5/6/24   MondayMatters: How To Stay Positive In A Relationship

5/6/24 MondayMatters: How To Stay Positive In A Relationship

In a fallen world, relationships fall. How we talk about them has much to do with how they survive. Here are 5 Rules of Relationships that help me stay positive about those connections in my life. Click on the link to watch the video. And follow on Facebook or Instagram for a daily reminder about… Continue Reading