We all go through mood swings. We drop from the mountaintop to the valley at the drop of a hat. Why is that? And more importantly, how do we climb out of the pit? Here are some thoughts about how to raise your mood.

We all go through mood swings. We drop from the mountaintop to the valley at the drop of a hat. Why is that? And more importantly, how do we climb out of the pit? Here are some thoughts about how to raise your mood.
We had a men’s retreat this weekend with 30 mighty men of God. But what makes them that? It’s not because they are perfect. Here are some observations about being and becoming a man or woman that’s mighty in God’s sight. https://youtu.be/fR9dR30UTFI Continue Reading
We are made better by them, we long for them, we are constantly seeking them, and yet…relationships remain one of the greatest challenges of our human condition. Here’s a word about relationships. https://youtu.be/2a7QpcLDRL8 Continue Reading