Impact    1/24/24

Impact 1/24/24

Doris and I drove to Cynthiana, Kentucky yesterday to attend my uncle’s funeral. Uncle Gerald was 95, lived a good, long life, and died peacefully in his home, surrounded by his family. That’s the way to go. More importantly, he lived the way you would want to live. He started a real estate/insurance company in his sleepy little hometown and spent his entire life serving the people of Harrison County. If you ever go to Cynthiana, it is impossible to miss the Whalen name, Whalen Bank, Whalen Homes, Whalen Jewelers, Whalen Flap Jacks and Syrup, okay, maybe I’m getting carried away. The point is, he gave his live to impact that community.

Those of you who know me well know that my all-time favorite movie is Mr. Holland’s Opus. I absolutely love the story of a man who stays with his work, stays in one place, and makes a transformational impact on a town, a school, a church, on a group of people. That is my deep desire. Maybe it’s because I moved so much as a child, maybe it is because I missed the chance to do this earlier, but what I really ask God a lot is that He would let me finish the course in Murfreesboro, at Family Worship Center, connected to Branches, and have the last 30 or 40 years of my life given to making an impact right here.

So, what does this have to do with fasting? Not a thing. Except that I fast with and for a group of people. I fast to make an impact. I hope you do too.

Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure, if I would get the call to move to Melbourne and be join the professional tennis tour, I’d take it in a minute. 🙂



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