3/14/24   Lent   Psalm 80    Repeat After Me

3/14/24 Lent Psalm 80 Repeat After Me

3/14/24 Lent Psalm 80 

Doris and I are at an age in life where every statement we make at home is answered by “what?”  

“Did you get the mail today?” “What?” 

“I need to go to the grocery store.” “What did you say?” 

“When did you have your hearing checked?” “What about cashing a check?” 

It’s just what happens. Don’t worry. If you are not there yet, you will be. WHAT? 

Sometimes repeating is not a bad thing. To get a point across, to emphasize how really important something is, or to verify the truth of a statement, repetition can be very helpful. When I hear or see or read a phrase more than once it begins to dawn on me, “This might be something to hold on to.” 

In Psalm 80, the writer repeats this wonderful, amazing phrase three times. Each time I read it I think again about the power of this plea of Asaph, the psalmist. He in verses 3, 7, and 19, with very little change, “Restore us, O God; make Your face shine on us, that we may be saved.” Now that bears repeating. “Restore us, O God; make Your face shine on us, that we may be saved.” If there is anything I am going to ask of God, it’s probably this. Get me back right God. Keep looking my way. Get me out of this old, rotten world. 

Almost identical but not quite, the plea seems to increase in intensity as Asaph thinks through the situation of the Israelites. “Hey God, it’s me again. Restore us.” (vs 3) Then he thinks, “Man, it’s been a while since we heard from God,” so he adds, “Restore us, God Almighty.” (vs 7) And finally, he starts thinking over all of the rough things they have faced, and are facing, and he goes all out in his prayer. “O Lord God Almighty. I’m really serious this time. Restore us.” (vs 19) 

Listen, there is nothing wrong with amping up your prayers as life starts squeezing in on you. God doesn’t need you to be more urgent, but it may help you to recognize that He is the only way out of the dilemma you face. The more I feel my need, the more I understand His might. And the more reliant I am on His grace. I am repeating myself, not for His sake but for mine.  

I read this psalm a long time ago in a Bible I was marking up for my grandson. I wrote a similar but different little response by each verse. Each time I read this plea being repeated, a new awareness hit me of how good God is.  

Vs 3, “Restore us, O God; make Your face shine on us, that we may be saved.” He did! 

Vs 7, “Restore us, God Almighty; make Your face shine on us, that we may be saved.” He is! 

Vs 19, “Restore us, Lord God Almighty; make Your face shine on us, that we may be saved.” He WILL! 

Repeat that to yourself a few times today. 

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