Category Archives: Branches Blog

10/7/24 MondayMatters: Living Above Reproach

10/7/24 MondayMatters: Living Above Reproach

I Timothy 3:2   “An overseer must be above reproach.” My contention is that is true for all of us. “Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you no one would believe it.”  Unknown Some thoughts about living above reproach: Your actions outweigh your words. Your walk talks and your talk talks… Continue Reading

8/19/24 MondayMatters: On Being Blessed

8/19/24 MondayMatters: On Being Blessed “I am blessed and highly favored.” “Well, bless your heart.” “God bless you.” We use those phrases all of the time but what do we mean by them? We see being blessed as being lucky, having good stuff, not having any problems. In the Beatitudes (blessings) Jesus talks to people in the worst of… Continue Reading

5/13/24 MondayMatters: Great Expectations (or not so great)

5/13/24 MondayMatters: Great Expectations (or not so great)

We all have a little Clark Griswald in us. We create these over-the-top, larger than life expectations of an event, a season, or a relationship. And more often than not things just don’t happen the way we imagine. Here are some fantastic ideas about how to manage expectations, well, at least some pretty good ones.… Continue Reading

5/6/24   MondayMatters: How To Stay Positive In A Relationship

5/6/24 MondayMatters: How To Stay Positive In A Relationship

In a fallen world, relationships fall. How we talk about them has much to do with how they survive. Here are 5 Rules of Relationships that help me stay positive about those connections in my life. Click on the link to watch the video. And follow on Facebook or Instagram for a daily reminder about… Continue Reading

4/22/24 MondayMatters: Surprised By Shame

4/22/24 MondayMatters: Surprised By Shame

Have you ever been surprised, shocked or sandbagged by some negative thought, some moment of discouragement, depression, or fear that just nearly overwhelmed you? Maybe it was anxiety, maybe obsessive thoughts about hurt, maybe shame; those thoughts that the devil will use to defeat us. They come like a thief, to steal, kill, and destroy.… Continue Reading

4/8/24 MondayMatters: The Problem with the Mountaintop

4/8/24 MondayMatters: The Problem with the Mountaintop Mountaintop experiences are great. We need them every once in an awhile to regroup, refresh, and revive. But we are called to live there. God does His best work in us and with us while we are in the valley. Look at 1 Kings 18:16-46 When I focus in the emotional high I… Continue Reading