Going Deep Day 15: Speaking Up

Going Deep Day 15: Speaking Up

This weekend we held the annual David Pierce Men’s Retreat at my sister’s Funny Farm in Ashland City. It is always good but this year was especially powerful with some significant spiritual breakthroughs taking place. Men were melted. Hearts were healed. Marriages were mended. Demons were defeated. And God was good. It was powerful and we are already looking forward to the fall.

BUT…that meant that Friday I was overwhelmed. Saturday I was super busy. And Sunday I was toast. So I am behind on getting out our Going Deep stuff. Here’s a start. More will follow. (I am in no condition for a video!!)

This week we are going to focus on being a witness. The first week, Letting Go. Week two, Holding On. This week, Speaking Up. A little later today I want to talk to you about How to Testify. For now, here’s a simple prayer for this week and the readings for each day.

Pray this today and every day this week, “Lord God, You who are the source of all truth, wisdom, justice, and love, lead me today to worship You. Help me today to serve You. And teach me today to testify about You through the inspiration and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, My Redeemer. Amen”

Each day read Psalm 143.

Monday            Deuteronomy 30

Tuesday             Joshua 24

Wednesday        Hebrews 2

Thursday           Philemon

Friday                 Colossians 3

Saturday            Romans 12

Sunday               Joshua 5, 2 Corinthians 5, and Luke 1

See you in a little while.

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