What Are You Looking At?  1/22/24. Day 22

What Are You Looking At? 1/22/24. Day 22

Hebrews 12:2.   “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.“

My friend, Darlene McCarty posted this quote the other day, “A diet changes how you look. A fast changes how you see.” That’s good, isn’t it? Too many of us do our fasting so that others will look at us. I play tennis and if I hit a bad shot I say, “Sorry, I’m fasting.” I walk in Dunkin Donuts and order just coffee so I can announce with a loud voice, “No donuts today. I’m fasting. “ Jesus warned us about fasting so that we can put on a spiritual show for others.

Fasting isn’t about changing how I look. It is about changing how I see.

1. I focus my attention on Jesus and see Him at work in so many areas of my life.

2. I see the hurting and the needy around me more clearly, taking time to consider them.
3. And I see myself as I really am, a sinner, saved by Grace.

Keep it up. Not many days left. And think about what you are seeing today.

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