Day 25 of 40 Days to Celebrate the King: Fat Shepherds and Scrawny Sheep

Day 25 of 40 Days to Celebrate the King: Fat Shepherds and Scrawny Sheep

Read Psalm 85 and Ezekiel 34:1-10


Today is short and to the point, a new thing for me. In the Ezekiel passage today God is chastising the priests for padding their own pockets, stuffing their own guts, looking out for their own interests, while the sheep, the people the priests are supposed to care about are starving to death, spiritually and literally. And, as Doris’s dad used to say, “That ain’t good.”

I’m going to finish this thought in a couple of hours. Right now, I am on my way to my Thursday morning men’s group. Check back in later this morning, about 8:30. For now, just ask yourself these questions:

Who has God placed under my care? ie, who am I supposed to shepherd?

Am I more concerned about my own interest than the needy people around me? (Hint: Doris and I took Christmas to a family from Journey Home yesterday, a ministry for the homeless in Murfreesboro. I was moved.)

And, who could I help TODAY in a tangible way?


I’ll be back

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