2/10/25 MondayMatters: The Facebook Passage

2/10/25 MondayMatters: The Facebook Passage


After the video:

Of all the places in culture that we who call ourselves Christ-followers but fall short of living out His example, Facebook has to lead the way. There is something about the perceived anonymity that seems to give us permission to say and act in ways we never would in person. And yet, our witness is just as real and just as required as anywhere else. I found a passage in Exodus this week that I’m going to call The Facebook passage. It has so much to say about how we shout behave as Christians. Here are 7 lessons from Exodus 23:1-13.
1. Don’t pass false rumors. Vs 1.     There is so much untruth on Facebook, maybe more than truth. Be diligent to check things out. Don’t perpetuate things that are not true. If you don’t know for sure, don’t share.

2. Don’t follow the crowd. Vs 2   Or the clicks.  Don’t get caught up in trying win an audience or in being popular. There are not enough FB followers in the world to justify being unChristlike in our posts.

3. Stop and help.   Vs 4.   There are two good words. Stop. Think. Be quiet.  Sometimes just stopping is a good thing. And help. Seek to be helpful, to be supportive, to be encouraging.  Before you post something just stop and help.

4. Help the poor.  Vs 6.   Of all the things we are called to do as believers, helping the poor and defenseless is at the top of the list. Rather than trying to impress people, try to serve them. That mindset changes everything.

5. Don’t charge anyone falsely.  Vs 7.  Now we are starting to get serious. There are so many vicious stories and malicious rumors flying around. And if we are honest with ourselves, many times we know.  Don’t pass those on.  Don’t say things about political foes or religious enemies that are not true. And back to point number 1, if you haven’t checked it out, don’t pass it on.

6. Don’t oppress the foreigners.  Vs 9.  Don’t make this political. Take it for what it is. I don’t know the answers to the immigration issues of our world.  This isn’t about that. I just know I have to consider others. At the very least, I am heartbroken at the fear and hurt of people who look different from me and speak a different language from me.

7. Finally, give it a rest. Vs 12.    Maybe the best advice about Facebook is just take a deep breath, back up, take a break. 🤓.  Just give it a rest sometimes.  Ask yourself these three questions before you post:

Is it true?
Is it necessary?
Is it kind?

If you can’t answer yes to all three, as a representative of Jesus, maybe you shouldn’t paste it. Blessings to you. I believe in you.

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