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Lent 2/16/24      Psalm 52

Lent 2/16/24 Psalm 52

Lent Devotion February 16, 2024 Psalm 52  Each day of Lent read through a Psalm and make it a prayer. I’ll attach a suggested list at the end of this. (It’s not too late to start.)    Larry Thompson was my 7th-grade nemesis. He was old for his age. A 7th grader with facial hair, fully… Continue Reading

Charismatic Hasidic Passions.  By Dan Scott

Charismatic Hasidic Passions. By Dan Scott

Hasidic Jews can be roughly compared to Charismatic Christians. Like Charismatic spirituality, Hasidism is a passionate and expressive expression rather than the orderly, dispassionate affair of mainstream rabbinical Judaism. Abraham Joshua Heschel makes this point several times in his book, God in Search of Man. One important difference between the Hasidim and Christian Charismatics is… Continue Reading

1/5/24 When Fasting Isn’t Fun

1/5/24 When Fasting Isn’t Fun

2 Samuel 1:12 “They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan…because they had fallen by the sword.” Fasting is about a deeper commitment to God, answered prayer, guidance and direction. But often in scripture, fasting is associated with mourning. In 2 Samuel, King Saul and his son, Jonathan, have… Continue Reading

1/1/24 MondayMatters: Beginning Well

1/1/24 MondayMatters: Beginning Well   We talk a lot about finishing well but on this first day of the New Year, beginning well is an important topic. How do you make a good start? What things should you put in place to insure a good beginning? Here are 7 things that we should try to do to begin… Continue Reading

10/29/23 MondayMatters: Seek to Serve

10/29/23 MondayMatters: Seek to Serve The discipline of serving changes us like no other. When we realize that our lives are not about us but rather, about Him and them, we begin to experience the “abundant life” that Jesus offered.  We serve in three areas. We serve God. We serve people. And we serve the church. In Matthew 25,… Continue Reading

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” But How?

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” But How?

We begin the discussion of spiritual disciplines in the right place and at just the right time. We are praying for our world and especially the nation of Israel. So, let’s talk about how to pray. Pray conversationally. Pray Biblically. Pray audibly. Pray kinetically. Pray corporately. Use the Lord’s Prayer as a six step… Continue Reading