Experiencing the Experience

Experiencing the Experience

I wrote this a couple of years ago. I was prompted to post it again by the visit this weekend of our friends, Dave and Nancy Maute.  We relived a lot of experiences in the last 48 hours. When I was young, very young, I loved playing baseball. I don’t think I was ever really… Continue Reading

WN 5/10/23  Peter, Do You Love Me?

WN 5/10/23 Peter, Do You Love Me?

I am trying to find a consistent way to add created content. Some have asked about sermons I have shared and the regular Wednesday night teaching at FWC. So, here’s a new endeavor. I will TRY to post the video and notes here each week. If I come up with a better plan (or you… Continue Reading

5/8/23 MondayMatters: Testimony

5/8/23 MondayMatters: Testimony

5/8/23 MondayMatters: Testimony. Perhaps the most important words that will ever come out of my mouth is my testimony. When it is done right; centered on Christ, current, all about change, it has the power to change lives for generations to come. Here’s a quick testimony about testimonies. #MondayMatters #takeaminutemakeadifference https://youtu.be/iHFmeGTwzHY Continue Reading

4/10/23 MondayMatters: Holding on to Hope

4/10/23 MondayMatters: Holding on to Hope

  Sometimes hope is a pipe dream, little more than a shot in the dark, thinking maybe you will hit something that probably isn’t there anyway. But there is a different kind of Hope that is the very bedrock of what we believe. Hope can be a desperate wish for some impossible results. Hope can… Continue Reading

4/3/23 MondayMatters: Theology of Suffering

4/3/23 MondayMatters: Theology of Suffering

“After you have suffered a little while” St. Peter says. Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble.” If life teaches us anything, it teaches us about suffering. So how do we “suffer” well? Here are 7 “bumper stickers” to look at when you are facing hard, difficult times. https://youtu.be/ztl6zExdd-k Look for a full… Continue Reading