Lent 2/16/24      Psalm 52

Lent 2/16/24 Psalm 52

Lent Devotion February 16, 2024 Psalm 52  Each day of Lent read through a Psalm and make it a prayer. I’ll attach a suggested list at the end of this. (It’s not too late to start.)    Larry Thompson was my 7th-grade nemesis. He was old for his age. A 7th grader with facial hair, fully… Continue Reading

Charismatic Hasidic Passions.  By Dan Scott

Charismatic Hasidic Passions. By Dan Scott

Hasidic Jews can be roughly compared to Charismatic Christians. Like Charismatic spirituality, Hasidism is a passionate and expressive expression rather than the orderly, dispassionate affair of mainstream rabbinical Judaism. Abraham Joshua Heschel makes this point several times in his book, God in Search of Man. One important difference between the Hasidim and Christian Charismatics is… Continue Reading

2/12/24 MondayMatters: How to Travel (Through Life) With the One You Love

2/12/24 MondayMatters: How to Travel (Through Life) With the One You Love

https://youtu.be/Gu3fiLLzuec?feature=shared Life is a  journey. You will never take another step in the same exact place. Here are 5 things to remember when your traveling companion is the love of your life. 1. Remember the joy of the journey. 2. Take turns driving. 3. Take frequent rest stops. 4. Don’t be afraid of the detours.… Continue Reading

Black History Month: In The Beginning Was The Relationship

Black History Month: In The Beginning Was The Relationship

The creation story starts with the familiar words, “In the beginning, God.”  It goes on to include some physical phenomena, a move of the Spirit, and eventually, man and woman made in “our,” a plural God, image.  That verse could have as easily said, “In the beginning was the Relationship.” God is nothing if He… Continue Reading

Impact    1/24/24

Impact 1/24/24

Doris and I drove to Cynthiana, Kentucky yesterday to attend my uncle’s funeral. Uncle Gerald was 95, lived a good, long life, and died peacefully in his home, surrounded by his family. That’s the way to go. More importantly, he lived the way you would want to live. He started a real estate/insurance company in… Continue Reading