“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” But How?

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” But How?

We begin the discussion of spiritual disciplines in the right place and at just the right time. We are praying for our world and especially the nation of Israel. So, let’s talk about how to pray. https://youtu.be/bMDHyIAagzs?feature=shared Pray conversationally. Pray Biblically. Pray audibly. Pray kinetically. Pray corporately. Use the Lord’s Prayer as a six step… Continue Reading

10/2/23 MondayMatters: Seeing and Being A Means of Grace

10/2/23 MondayMatters: Seeing and Being A Means of Grace

https://youtu.be/Q_bodGHiFmc?feature=shared   God gives us disciplines, sacraments, and encounters as opportunities to experience His grace. When we do what He tells us to do we experience what He wants us to experience. We call those things “means of grace.” And interestingly enough, at the same time He very often uses us to be a means… Continue Reading

8/28/23 MondayMatters: The Hard Truth About Forgiveness

8/28/23 MondayMatters: The Hard Truth About Forgiveness

At the root of most of our “hurts, habits, and hang-ups” is an inability or an unwillingness to forgive. Forgiveness is the cornerstone of healing, recovery, restoration. But it is hard to do. Here are some thoughts that might help move you along the path from unforgiving to forgiveness. Forgiveness is not a license. I… Continue Reading

8/21/23 MondayMatters: The Hearts of the Children

8/21/23 MondayMatters: The Hearts of the Children

Nothing could be more heart breaking, I imagine, than the estrangement of our children. And yet it happens so many time. I meet couples all of the time that are suffering from separation from their children, sometimes without knowing why. The one thing we cannot do is lose hope. Here are some thoughts about God’s… Continue Reading

7/31/23 MondayMatters: Grandparenting

7/31/23 MondayMatters: Grandparenting

How do you connect with your grandkids? How do we talk to the younger generation in general? Here are five things to remember when you are working with the young people in your life. Remember they are people. Remember they have personality. Remember they have parents. (And you are not them.) Remember they are the… Continue Reading

6/19/23 MondayMatters: part 3 of Marriage Musts

6/19/23 MondayMatters: part 3 of Marriage Musts

https://youtu.be/jHtVz2kEYG8   Finally we finish three weeks of marriage musts, the things I believe are essential after 45 years. Here’s a complete list: 1. Gravity is stronger than synergy. Fight against it. 2. Be consistently intentional about space and time. 3. Foster mutual respect and admiration. 4. Never stop learning about yourself and each other.… Continue Reading

5/29/23 MondayMatters: Humility

5/29/23 MondayMatters: Humility

It’s hard to talk about. As soon as I “teach” about humility I come across as prideful and arrogant. But humility is vital to becoming happier, healthier, and a little bit holier. Here are some thoughts (humbly) on humility. https://youtu.be/0eQ_jiNtpMU   Continue Reading