Category Archives: Discipleship

10/29/23 MondayMatters: Seek to Serve

10/29/23 MondayMatters: Seek to Serve The discipline of serving changes us like no other. When we realize that our lives are not about us but rather, about Him and them, we begin to experience the “abundant life” that Jesus offered.  We serve in three areas. We serve God. We serve people. And we serve the church. In Matthew 25,… Continue Reading

10/22/23 MondayMatters: The Discipline of Study

10/22/23 MondayMatters: The Discipline of Study

Paul says, “Study to show yourself approved…” (2 Timothy 2:15) Whatever the subject, being intentional about study makes us more proficient, more productive, and more prepared to share our wisdom. Study, specifically study of our faith and the Word of God, improves our walk, informs our talk, and enhances our life in Christ. Here are… Continue Reading

10/2/23 MondayMatters: Seeing and Being A Means of Grace

10/2/23 MondayMatters: Seeing and Being A Means of Grace   God gives us disciplines, sacraments, and encounters as opportunities to experience His grace. When we do what He tells us to do we experience what He wants us to experience. We call those things “means of grace.” And interestingly enough, at the same time He very often uses us to be a means… Continue Reading

8/28/23 MondayMatters: The Hard Truth About Forgiveness

8/28/23 MondayMatters: The Hard Truth About Forgiveness

At the root of most of our “hurts, habits, and hang-ups” is an inability or an unwillingness to forgive. Forgiveness is the cornerstone of healing, recovery, restoration. But it is hard to do. Here are some thoughts that might help move you along the path from unforgiving to forgiveness. Forgiveness is not a license. I… Continue Reading

40 Days to Celebrate the Coming King

40 Days to Celebrate the Coming King

Consider taking the 40 Days before Christmas to intentionally focus on the Coming King and on growing deeper in your faith. I invite you to an online devotional time starting tomorrow and ending on Christmas Eve. It is as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. We will do 1 thing together for the 40 days,… Continue Reading