Category Archives: Gratitude

1/7/25 MondayMatters: Desire What You Desire

1/7/25 MondayMatters: Desire What You Desire

Here’s the video

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I don’t think God gives us everything we want. I think He helps us to want what He wants. That is my desire for 2025, to desire what God desires for me to desire. Here are 5 things. For the text go to and check FB and Instagram each day for a related thought. And like and subscribe if you desire. 😂

  1. Desire to be closer to God. There is a level of intimacy with Him that only comes from intense desire. “As the deer pants for the water, by soul desires you.”
  2. Desire to hunger for righteousness. I want to be a better man this year, I want to be righteous. Jesus promised, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled.”
  3. Desire to love the Word of God. I love reading and studying my Bible. I want to love it more. “How sweet is the Word of God, like honey to my lips.” Psalm 119:103
  4. Desire to pray. Not just do it. Not go through the motions. Not pray because we ought to. But love spending time in my knees, in my prayer closet, bowed before God. “Lord, teach us to pray.” And to love it.
  5. Desire to be an example of Jesus to those around me. “It’s my desire, to be like Jesus. It’s my desire to be like Him, His Spirit fill me. His love o’erwhlem me. In deed and word, to be like Christ.”

The good news is that God’s desire is to give you the desires of your heart when you desire to desire what He desires for you.

Subscribe today to stay connected. And consider being a part of Branches Discipleship Counseling starting January 29.



One of the iconic voices of my youth was Carly Simon, a folksy balladeer of the late 60’s and early 70’s that took over a generation of listeners with her confessional lyrics and unforgettable choruses. What person of my age doesn’t remember trying to figure out who “You’re So Vain” was directed to (I think… Continue Reading

The Importance of Being Tribal

The Importance of Being Tribal

A friend of mine passed away this week. I don’t know if friend is the right word. He was a few years older. We had not seen or even spoken to one another in at least ten years. We were not in the same circles at all, but he was a member of one of… Continue Reading

8/19/24 MondayMatters: On Being Blessed

8/19/24 MondayMatters: On Being Blessed “I am blessed and highly favored.” “Well, bless your heart.” “God bless you.” We use those phrases all of the time but what do we mean by them? We see being blessed as being lucky, having good stuff, not having any problems. In the Beatitudes (blessings) Jesus talks to people in the worst of… Continue Reading

5/6/24   MondayMatters: How To Stay Positive In A Relationship

5/6/24 MondayMatters: How To Stay Positive In A Relationship

In a fallen world, relationships fall. How we talk about them has much to do with how they survive. Here are 5 Rules of Relationships that help me stay positive about those connections in my life. Click on the link to watch the video. And follow on Facebook or Instagram for a daily reminder about… Continue Reading

3/13/24   Lent   Psalm 79   IFTTT

3/13/24 Lent Psalm 79 IFTTT

3/13/24 Lent Psalm 79 IFTTT  The history of the children of Israel has always been an “If this then that” relationship. God designed it that way, at least from His side. “If you keep my commandments, you will be blessed.” “If you call on my Name I will answer.” “If you bow down before Me,… Continue Reading

Almost Done

Almost Done

Yesterday was Sunday in Israel. Since Shabbat ended Saturday at sundown, we were back to a full day of visiting some amazing sights. We have been in the north for several days, staying each night in Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee, and touring the Galilee area. This trip is different from any other time… Continue Reading

My Life for Yours

My Life for Yours

A few days ago, I attended a fund-raising event for Siloam, a non-profit, primary medical care organization in Nashville. They have worked tirelessly for 20 years serving the underserved and marginalized in Davidson County, Tennessee. While their primary focus has been the burgeoning immigrant and refugee population of middle Tennessee, of late they have taken… Continue Reading

Roll On!

Roll On!

Jakson prayed on Easter Sunday. He looked his very Easter Sunday best, pink pants, long sleeve blue shirt, hair slicked back, fresh out of the deep theological experience of 6-year-old kids church. The whole family was gathered. We held hands in anticipation of deviled eggs (What! On Easter), chicken casserole, and sweet potato pie. Josh,… Continue Reading