Category Archives: Branches Blog

5/8/23 MondayMatters: Testimony

5/8/23 MondayMatters: Testimony

5/8/23 MondayMatters: Testimony. Perhaps the most important words that will ever come out of my mouth is my testimony. When it is done right; centered on Christ, current, all about change, it has the power to change lives for generations to come. Here’s a quick testimony about testimonies. #MondayMatters #takeaminutemakeadifference Continue Reading

40 Days to Celebrate the Coming King

40 Days to Celebrate the Coming King

Consider taking the 40 Days before Christmas to intentionally focus on the Coming King and on growing deeper in your faith. I invite you to an online devotional time starting tomorrow and ending on Christmas Eve. It is as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. We will do 1 thing together for the 40 days,… Continue Reading