Category Archives: Monday Matters

1/13/25 MondayMatters: God’s Attachment Style

1/13/25 MondayMatters: God’s Attachment Style

Here’s the video

What do we mean when we talk about the love of God? How can we be sure that He loves us when we are so often unlovable? Here is a quick look at Attachment Theory and how I can draw from that a better understanding of the amazing love of God for me.

John Bowlby in the late 1950’s made popular a way of looking at our human relationships based on the “security” of the attachment we made with our caregivers in our very early years, usually by the time we were 3. He called this approach Attachment Theory. Bowlby suggested 4 primary attachment styles that we can observe in adults, each one directly connected to their early formation. This is a gross oversimplification.

  1. ANXIOUS ATTACHMENT – characterized by up and down, in and out relationships. The Anxious Style has a very low regard for self and his/her ability to be “loveable.” That is coupled with a very high regard for the object of their affection so that I am constantly unsure of the others love for me because of my shortcomings and weaknesses.
  2. FEARFUL ATTACHMENT – has a very low regard for self AND a low regard for others. Not only am I never good enough but even if I was, I could not trust my partner to really love me. This person walks around with their fingers on the pulse of the relationship, always afraid of rejection.
  3. DISMISSIVE ATTACHMENT – has a low regard for others and, therefore, high self-assurance and confidence in his/her ability to make it without another person. I don’t really need anyone else, I can do it on my own. Until they can’t and then they run to the other in hopes of being saved.
  4. SECURE ATTACHMENT – is balanced and sure about the love of the other, not based on personal ability but because of a confidence in the character of the lover and therefore the acceptability of themselves. I know that Doris loves me, not because I always get it right but because of who she is.

What does that have to do with God? He is the supreme example of secure attachment. He is the source of any confidence I have in myself to be loveable. Because if His grace, I can be sure of His love for me, and I can love others in the same way. Look at Romans 8:38-39 “Yes, I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers,  nothing above us, nothing below us, nor anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Go out this week SECURE in His love for you, and offering that kind of love to those people that matter most to you.

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1/7/25 MondayMatters: Desire What You Desire

1/7/25 MondayMatters: Desire What You Desire

Here’s the video Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I don’t think God gives us everything we want. I think He helps us to want what He wants. That is my desire for 2025, to desire what God desires for me to desire.… Continue Reading

12/16/24 MondayMatters: Meditation

12/16/24 MondayMatters: Meditation Watch the video above.  Then…We are building a foundation for a terrific 2025. Start some things now that will foster momentum for significant spiritual growth. We have talked about Bible reading, consistent prayer, and today, meditation/journalling. The discipline of quietness, centering, meditating is a vital as the other two for discipleship. Here are 4… Continue Reading

11/25/24  MondayMatters: Inertia

11/25/24 MondayMatters: Inertia

Momentum is a magnificent word. I believe more things are accomplished because of momentum or not accomplished because of a lack of momentum than anything else. If you desire to have a fantastic 2025 then creating momentum now is crucial. Here is a much too long description of, and invitation to, starting a great 2025… Continue Reading

11/18/24 MondayMatters: When Helping Hurts

11/18/24 MondayMatters: When Helping Hurts

Have you ever been caught in one of those situations where your efforts to help were turned against you and everything was worse instead of better? What do you do when your best efforts are misunderstood, rejected, and used as a club to batter you with? It happens to the best of us. Here are… Continue Reading

11/11/24  MondayMatters: Dealing With Other People’s Depression

11/11/24 MondayMatters: Dealing With Other People’s Depression What do you do? What do you say when someone comes to you in the middle of their depression. Statistically, nearly 1 in 10 people will go through some depressive episode this year, so there is a very good chance that a friend or even family meme we will reach out to you. Here… Continue Reading

The Importance of Being Tribal

The Importance of Being Tribal

A friend of mine passed away this week. I don’t know if friend is the right word. He was a few years older. We had not seen or even spoken to one another in at least ten years. We were not in the same circles at all, but he was a member of one of… Continue Reading

10/7/24 MondayMatters: Living Above Reproach

10/7/24 MondayMatters: Living Above Reproach

I Timothy 3:2   “An overseer must be above reproach.” My contention is that is true for all of us. “Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you no one would believe it.”  Unknown Some thoughts about living above reproach: Your actions outweigh your words. Your walk talks and your talk talks… Continue Reading