Category Archives: Uncategorized

1/1/24 MondayMatters: Beginning Well

1/1/24 MondayMatters: Beginning Well   We talk a lot about finishing well but on this first day of the New Year, beginning well is an important topic. How do you make a good start? What things should you put in place to insure a good beginning? Here are 7 things that we should try to do to begin… Continue Reading

10/29/23 MondayMatters: Seek to Serve

10/29/23 MondayMatters: Seek to Serve The discipline of serving changes us like no other. When we realize that our lives are not about us but rather, about Him and them, we begin to experience the “abundant life” that Jesus offered.  We serve in three areas. We serve God. We serve people. And we serve the church. In Matthew 25,… Continue Reading

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” But How?

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” But How?

We begin the discussion of spiritual disciplines in the right place and at just the right time. We are praying for our world and especially the nation of Israel. So, let’s talk about how to pray. Pray conversationally. Pray Biblically. Pray audibly. Pray kinetically. Pray corporately. Use the Lord’s Prayer as a six step… Continue Reading

6/19/23 MondayMatters: part 3 of Marriage Musts

6/19/23 MondayMatters: part 3 of Marriage Musts   Finally we finish three weeks of marriage musts, the things I believe are essential after 45 years. Here’s a complete list: 1. Gravity is stronger than synergy. Fight against it. 2. Be consistently intentional about space and time. 3. Foster mutual respect and admiration. 4. Never stop learning about yourself and each other.… Continue Reading

5/29/23 MondayMatters: Humility

5/29/23 MondayMatters: Humility

It’s hard to talk about. As soon as I “teach” about humility I come across as prideful and arrogant. But humility is vital to becoming happier, healthier, and a little bit holier. Here are some thoughts (humbly) on humility.   Continue Reading

Experiencing the Experience

Experiencing the Experience

I wrote this a couple of years ago. I was prompted to post it again by the visit this weekend of our friends, Dave and Nancy Maute.  We relived a lot of experiences in the last 48 hours. When I was young, very young, I loved playing baseball. I don’t think I was ever really… Continue Reading

4/10/23 MondayMatters: Holding on to Hope

4/10/23 MondayMatters: Holding on to Hope

  Sometimes hope is a pipe dream, little more than a shot in the dark, thinking maybe you will hit something that probably isn’t there anyway. But there is a different kind of Hope that is the very bedrock of what we believe. Hope can be a desperate wish for some impossible results. Hope can… Continue Reading