Why THIS Church? Psalm 122

Why THIS Church? Psalm 122

Doris and I are going to go our separate ways. I’m sorry to break that news here but I figured you’d find out soon enough anyway. There is nothing really wrong. It just seems like it’s time. She doesn’t meet my needs anymore. She talks too long about things that I’m not interested in. And… Continue Reading

Psalm 40 and Mr. Holland’s Opus

Psalm 40 and Mr. Holland’s Opus

Each Wednesday we are looking at a Psalm, Summer in the Psalms. Not a Bible study, not a lesson, just a devotional thought. Today, Psalm 40.   Psalm 40 (and Mr. Holland’s Opus) 1 I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of… Continue Reading

Psalm 147, Tell Me A Story

Psalm 147, Tell Me A Story

Psalm 147    Let me tell you one of my favorite times of the week. About 12:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, if I can work it out in my schedule, and Doris is keeping Caleb. That’s the time for his nap. He has been playing with Mimi all morning long. They are laughing and hide-and-seeking… Continue Reading