God Don’t Make No Junk

This Summer we are doing “Summer in the Psalms” for our Wednesday night studies. In the month of July, we will not meet in person, (We are meeting for All Church Prayer tonight.)  So…each Wednesday I will post a devotional study from a selected Psalm. Today, Psalm 139, one of my favorites.   God don’t… Continue Reading

The RC and Psalm 91

The RC and Psalm 91

This Summer we are doing “Summer in the Psalms” for our Wednesday night studies. In late June and the month of July we will not meet in person, So…each Wednesday I will post a devotional study from a selected Psalm. Today, Psalm 91.   The RC/Moon Pie 10-mile race is a pretty challenging event. They… Continue Reading

Monday Matters: Communication with Adult Children

Here are some thoughts about how to better connect with your adult kids. It’s not easy. It takes a little sensitivity and intentionality. Here is both an audio link. https://anchor.fm/whatdifferencepodcast/episodes/5122-Monday-Matters-Communication-with-Adult-Children-e1hum7s   To see the video go to Facebook/mikecourtney716 Be blessed.     Continue Reading

Going Deep Day 37: Because I Said So

Going Deep Day 37: Because I Said So

Because I Said So! Mark 11:27-33   It always blows my mind how quickly things can change in Scripture. At the beginning of Mark, chapter 11, Jesus is the talk of the town, lauded as the Messiah, the One who would rescue Israel. That’s Sunday. By Tuesday, the end of chapter 11, the church leaders… Continue Reading

Going Deep Day 29: Look Out

Going Deep Day 29: Look Out

Just a little heads up, THERE WILL BE TROUBLES! But don’t look out for the hardships. Look out for the amazing things that God is doing in you and through you because of your hardships. https://anchor.fm/whatdifferencepodcast/episodes/Going-Deep-Day-29-Look-Out-e1gm7q3 The scripture for this week: Everyday, Psalm 56 Monday.     Acts 14 Tuesday.    I Peter 2 Wednesday.… Continue Reading