ALL IN, Day 2

ALL IN, Day 2

There are four priorities for the believer, discipleship, fellowship, worship, and prayer. (Acts 2:42) Only one of those can really be done alone, prayer. Our walk with God was never intended to be a solitary event. It is communal. God’s first redemptive act was making clothes for Adam AND Eve. Then He saves Noah’s entire… Continue Reading

On Lasts and Firsts

On Lasts and Firsts

On Lasts and Firsts New Year’s Day, 2023  I was cleaning the garage this week. I do my best thinking there. We have a 2-car garage that has not had room for my car for 20 years. There are 2 baby-strollers, a huge box of baseball cards, every old musical instrument that you Jacob ever… Continue Reading

Unity, Diversity, Community: a guest blog

Unity, Diversity, Community: a guest blog

My good friend, college professor, Dale McCarver wrote this a year ago. It was meaningful to me then. It’s even mor3 meaningful now.  Read it. Think about it. Do it. Even if, like me, you don’t agree with every premise. YOUR OLD ENGLISH TEACHER HAS SOME SUMMER ASSIGNMENTS FOR YOU…. Teaching is one of the… Continue Reading